Quotations are hereby invited to appoint a Service Provider (SP) to provide catering for an upcoming workshop to be held in Driekoppies Dam (Mpumalanga Province, Inkomazi Local Municipality). Specifications: - Provide breakfast and water: Muffins, tea and water x 70; - Provide lunch: Starch, soft drinks and proteins (beef, fish and chicken) x 70. (Тендер №113329836ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 113329836
Дата публикации: 01-11-2024
Окончание подачи заявок через: 13 дней


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Шинэ сум төслийн 1-р ээлжийн дэд бүтцийн ажил /дулаан, цэвэр ус/ Источник: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Quotations are hereby invited to Conduct SHEQ Audits (ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018) at Vereeniging Pumping Station and its intake (Lethabo). The Scope of Work should include: - Evaluate if the site is complying to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018; - Assess the extent of the client’s compliance with applicable Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality (SHEQ) legislation; - Evaluate the effectiveness of any implemented management system within the client to ensure legal compliance; - Provide an audit report on the status of compliance and make recommendations to address the deviations; - The service provider shall advise on improvements that may assist the site on improving legal compliance management. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for once off appointment of a service provider for the cleaning of windows. Scope: The window cleaning services shall include the following: - Cleaning of five sculptures; - Entire DSI building glass i.e. interior and exterior - 19 Air Ducts; - 10 Sunshades; - Sun louvers; - 56 Building pillars; - Roof top of the Auditorium and Library; - Glass awning; - Window benches; - Provide all necessary tools to execute the service. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to draft constitutions for minibus taxi associations in the Province of Kwazulu-Natal excluding Umgungundlovu District Municipality for a period of 36 months. Specifications: The service provider will be required to oversee, manage and facilitate the drafting of constitutions for taxi association in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal, excluding uMgungundlovu Region. The service provider will convene meetings for all the affected associations, set the agenda, facilitate consultation process working side-by-side with SANTACO as the critical stakeholder. The Service Provider to recommend and design the most suitable process in consultation with the Department and SANTACO. This may be done through engagements, information meetings or whatever other formats that are deemed appropriate. The Role of the service provider shall include but not limited to the following: • Design and develop a most suitable process to achieve the objective (Methodology), • Determine and decide on matters of process, • Facilitate problem solving on issues where appropriate, • Design and develop a dispute resolution process and or mechanisms where there are deadlocks, • Advise on the appropriate applications in terms of National Land Transport Act, • Facilitate and draft new constitutions and the adoption thereof by all respective association members, • Ensure proper record keeping of all, minutes, resolutions for the general meetings of associations, • Drafting and adoption of association constitutions, • Facilitate the final registration of all associations in the Province. Activities: There are several activities required to undertake the project. These include the following: • Regular steering committee meetings, • Approval of inception report, • Submission of power point or audio-visual presentation of the result presentation of the results, • Project closing meeting. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the provision of Arnot Simplon 275kV line tower 201 stabilization for a period of 6 weeks. Line details: • Line name: Arnot Simplon 275kV line; • Construction completion year: 1976; • Line length: 88,55km; • Voltage: 275kV; • Structure types: 419A 19,35CAH; • Conductor: Twin Zebra @ 50 degrees templating temperate; • Ground wire: EW: 19/0.104” EW2 19/2.65. Scope of work: Soil erosion systems: The erosion surrounding the Arnot Simplon Tower 201 must be mitigated by: I. Removal of loose soils around the foundations; II. Placement of soil imported backfill; III. Installation of erosion control systems (Gabions, reno-mattresses etc). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited to appoint a Service Provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management Branch with maintenance dredging services that will result in the deepening of the harbor basin and operational slipways at the Struisbaai Proclaimed Fishing Harbor. Specifications: - The required dredging in the Struisbaai Proclaimed Fishing Harbor will have to result in approximately 4500m³ of sediment being removed from the harbor basin and slipways. The sediment must be dredged from the harbor basin and slipway areas and be deposited over the western beach neighboring the Struisbaai Proclaimed Fishing Harbor. The expected dredging depths should range between 1 to 2 meters with dredging activities taking place during the appropriate tide. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS