Addendum: Extension of Briefing and Closing Dates: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Geotechnical testing services on a failed embankment slope at KM 118 Moolman track section along the coal line within the Piet-Retief regional area. Scope of work: The detailed geotechnical investigation is to be conducted on the ±7m high embankment shoulder at two affected sections alongside the single railway track (Line 1). Section 1 is located between km 118/2 and km 118/3, totaling a length of ±40 km, while Section 2 is between km 118/4 and km 118/5, with an approximate total length of 60 km. The site is situated at Moolman, between Piet Retief and Vryheid along Line 1. The GPS coordinates of the site are 27°07"45.5"S, 30°51"22.0"E. The site investigation is required for the following: - Identification of the root cause of the slope failure to provide a proper engineering solution to repair the affected embankment slope sections at km 118, Moolman railway track. The work to be done includes: 2.1.1 In-situ testing with Dynamic Probing Super Heavy (DPSH) at six and nine indicated testing positions for Section 1 (40 km long section between km 118/2 and km 118/3) and Section 2 (60 km long section between km 118/4 and km 118/5), respectively, up to refusal at all designated positions. There will be 6 holes at Section 1 and 9 holes at Section 2. 2.1.2 Auger testing for soil profiling and sampling up to refusal, which will be handed over to the Geotechnical Engineer (Track Technology). There will be 3 auger tests at Section 1 and 6 auger tests at Section 2. The final location, quantities, and initiation of additional tests will be determined by Transnet – Track Technology geotechnical engineer. (Тендер №113569268ru)

Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 113569268
Дата публикации: 06-11-2024


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