Bids are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of green patient folder at Cecilia Makiwane Hospital for a period of four (4) months. (Тендер №113574261ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 113574261
Дата публикации: 06-11-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited to supply, deliver, erect and dismantle the scaffolding at the clients jetty and terminal. Scope: Supply, deliver, erect and dismantle the scaffolding at the jetty and terminal: • Flare scaffolding: Support scaffolding - Tank Farm: - Height - 5.5 m; - Length - 1.5 m; - Width - 1.5 m; • Jetty Caisson 15-16 Hanging scaffolding near welding seam: - Height - 1.5 m; - Length - 2.5 m; - Width - 1.7 m. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of upright bright field microscope for NHLS Tygerberg Cytology Laboratory – Cape Town – WC. Specifications: - Instrument: Microscope: • Manual upright microscope frame for Bright-field illumination; • Coaxial and fine focus with stage up and down mechanism; • Adjustable binocular eyepiece tube with an inclination of up to at least 30° off horizontal; • 10 x Wide angle eyepieces with at least 20mm diameter lenses; • Focusable wide field eyepiece; • Swing out condenser; • Quintuple revolving nosepiece; • Eyepieces to match objective FOV; • Light intensity control dial with external or internal power supply; • Transmitted light path should be controlled by means of Koehler illumination; • Mechanical stage with non- scratch surface (ceramic or similar); • Stage control knob in low drive control and right hand drive; • Dual slide holder for one or two specimens (left positioning, spring loaded finger); • True colour LED or Halogen bulb light source. Intensity comparable to at least 30W; • Halogen light source. - Objectives: • Plan achromat objectives; • 4 x Magnification; • 10 x Magnification; • 40 x Magnification. - Additional requirements: • Operators manual: English; • Dust cover: Available; • Local service: Available. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the provision of an outsourced interim senior management accountant for a period of twelve (12) months. Scope of Work: - Financial Control; - Financial Reporting; - Expenditure Management; - Financial Accounting; - Payroll; - Other: To assist on all other ad-hoc requests and projects. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the provision of Environmental Management Inspector, Grade 5. Scope: 1. Course Code: EMI Level 5; 2. Number of Delegates: 12; 3. Training Days: 5. The course should empower and expose staff on the following: • General mandate, functions, legislative powers and duties of a Grade 5 EMI; • Use of an EMI Pocketbook; • Crime Scene and Exhibit Management; • A1 or Witness Statement; • Court Role-Players and Procedures; • Minimum Legislative Content. Department: LAD. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a framework of panel members (subject matter expert/s) for the marking of EISA examination scripts for occupational qualifications for the period 2024 - 2026. SME examination script marking services will be required for the following Occupational Qualifications: 1. Insurance Agent: Insurance Underwriter NQF Level 5 (3 x Specializations), 2. Financial Advisor NQF Level 6, 3. Long-Term Insurance Advisor NQF Level 5, 4. Health Care benefits Advisor NQF Level 5, 5. Investment Advisor NQF Level 5, 6. Employee & Pension Funds Benefits Advisor NQF Level 5, 7. Claims Administration: Claims Assessor NQF Level 4 (4 x Specializations), 8. Professional Principal Executive Officer NQF Level 7, 9. Professional Principal Executive Officer (Retirement Fund Trustee) NQF Level 5. Detailed scope of work: - Attend INSETA arranged memo discussion meeting prior to commencement of script marking, - Take delivery of the scripts for safe keeping and implementation of services at the premises of the appointed SME, - Mark 100% scripts submitted for marking purposes – irrespective of number of scripts: all marking must be completed within 14 days after memo discussion, - Develop script marking reports for each of the occupational qualifications marked, - Develop script marking moderation reports for each of the occupational qualifications moderated = minimum 30%, - Deliver to INSETA marked and moderated scripts (including reports) post the implementation of script marking services. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby requested for the procurement of services for reception. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS