Bids are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of Occupational Therapy Tools. (Тендер №113919860ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 113919860
Дата публикации: 12-11-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Informal tenders are hereby invited to supply & deliver clamps P/G gold 2674-3Gmain & tap diam range 6.63mm- 18, 92mm current capacity 490amp, Unit: Each, Qty: 50. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Informal tenders are hereby invited to supply & deliver buckles S/Steel 19mm, Griplock or approved equal, Unit: Box, Qty: 100. To be delivered in boxes of 100. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited to supply, deliver and erect fence for iThubalethu Project in Kwamhlabuyalingana Local Office within Umkhanyakude district as per specifications. Proposed delivery date: 1 December 2024. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of professional services to conduct geotechnical/dolomitic stability investigation at Protea South Park. Scope: The scope of works is summarized as follows: - Botanical garden style facility development; - A five-a side football field; - Swimming Pool; - Amphitheatre; - Multipurpose courts; - Administration Buildings; - Bridge construction; - Urban agriculture; - Parking areas; - General Park development complete with outdoor gym and play equipment. Professional services required: The consultants will have to carry out preliminary geotechnical / dolomitic analysis investigation to determine the most suitable site to construct on. They will also be required to carry out detailed geotechnical investigation to provide design parameters for the design of the earthworks and foundations as well as identifying of geotechnical problems and mitigation thereof for the proposed Botanical Garden/park development. The Geotechnical and dolomitic investigation shall cover the scope stated and a full report with relevant information must be provided to the client: • Assess the mechanical properties of the soil underlain in the area; • Investigate the site’s suitability for the proposed development; • Classify the site into specific geotechnical zones based on varying foundation conditions; • Determine and evaluate the regional geological character of the study area; • Provide suitable foundation recommendations for the proposed development; • Recommend necessary precautionary measures during design, construction and for operational phase; • Geotechnical surveying of implementation area; • Flood analysis; • Soil profile and rock classification; • Dolomitic stability investigation; • Drainage; • Geohydrology, surface hydrology and groundwater; • Test pitting and materials testing. Department: CID. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited to manufacture and install glass, aluminum and dry wall office partitioning. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Written price quotation are hereby invited from prospective suppliers for the supply, service, refill, replace, and delivery of all damaged fire extinguishers to all Municipality in Standerton. Specifications: Municipal Stores / Magasyn; 1. 2 x 9kg portable fire extinguishers; 2. 2 x Amerex (foam) fire extinguishers. Workshop: 1. 8 x 9kg portable fire extinguisher. Azalea Hall: 1. 4 x 9kg portable fire extinguishers. Stanwest Hall: 1. 5 x 9kg portable fire extinguishers. Stanwest Library: 1. 2 x 4.5 portable fire extinguishers. Sakhile Municipal Offices: 1. 6 x 9kg portable fire extinguishers. Sakhile Community Hall: 1. 8 x 9kg portable fire extinguishers. Sakhile Youth Centre: 1. 6 x 9 portable fire extinguishers. Sewer Plant: 1. 1 x 2.5kg DCP; 2. 1 x 9kg DCP. Sakhile Library: 1. 8 x 9kg portable fire extinguishers; 2. 2 x Fire hose reel; 3. 1 x Fire hydrant. Municipal Main Office: 1. 3 x Fire hose reel; 2. 5 x 4.5 ceiling mounted DCP (Records and Finance); 3. 8 x 9kg portable fire extinguishers; 4. 3 x 2.5kg portable fire extinguishers. Old Volkas Building: 1. 6 x 9kg portable fire extinguishers. Standerton Library: 1. 3 x 2kg Co2 portable fire extinguishers. Town Hall: 1. 5x 9kg portable fire extinguishers; 2. 1 x Fire hose reel. Standerton Fire Station: 1. 5 x 2.5 portable fire extinguishers; 2. 8 x 4.5 portable fire extinguishers; 3. 1 x 1.5 portable fire extinguishers; 4. 22 x 9kg fire extinguishers; 5. 30 x 9kg empty (power refill); 6. 5 x 5kg Co2 portable fire extinguishers; 7. 4 x 2kg Co2 portable fire extinguishers; 8. 1 x 4.5 ceiling mounted DCP (in a safe); 9. 4 x 50kg DCP trollies extinguishers; 10.4 x 2.25kg new DCP fire extinguishers; 11.2 x 9kg new class K fire extinguishers; 12.10 x Lithium fire extinguishers; 13. 2 x Fire blankets medium size; 14. 10 x New portable fire alarms complete with steel holder with breakable glass. Traffic Department: 1. 1 x 2kg Co2 portable fire extinguishers; 2. 2 x 4.5kg DCP portable fire extinguishers; 3. 3 x 9kg DCP portable fire extinguishers. Electrical Department: 1. 20 x 9kg DCP fire extinguishers; 2. 6 x 5kg Co2. Water Purification Works: 1. 2 x 2.5kg DCP; 2. 1 x 9kg DCP. Thusong Center: 1. 4 x 4.5kg DCP portable fire extinguishers; 2. 1 x 9kg DCP portable fire extinguishers; 3. 1 x 30m fire hose with nozzle 30 meter long. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS