Tenders are hereby invited to Provide Premium Office Space Rental in Gauteng. The suitable commercial space required is to accommodate the clients Gauteng team, providing an efficient working environment located in a centrally accessible area between Johannesburg and Pretoria. (Тендер №114146494ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 114146494
Дата публикации: 15-11-2024


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Ведущая поисковая система по тендерам и закупкам России и мира

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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Сүхбаатар аймгийн Дарьганга сумаас Бичигт боомтын төв зам хүртэлх авто зам, авто замын байгууламжийн ТЭЗҮ, зураг төсөл Источник: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of paint mixing bench consumables at Trade Test Centre. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and maintenance of general and specialised radiography imaging equipment at various Gauteng Institutions for a period of three years. Specifications: 1. Multi slot CR reader; 2. C-arm fluoroscopy screening unit with Flat Panel Detector (FPD); 3. Remote control table fluoroscopy screening unit with Flat Panel Detector (FPD); 4. Digital flat panel; 5. Panelipse/panorex; 6. CT scanner 64 slice; 7. CT scanner 128 slice; 8. CT scanner 256 slice; 9. MRI 3T; 10. MRI 1,5T. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to render travel reservation services for the clients Main Account Head Office for a period of 36 months. Scope: a) The travel services will be provided to all Travelers travelling on behalf of the client, locally and internationally. This will include employees and contractors, consultants, and clients where the agreement is that the client is responsible for the arrangement and cost of travel. a) Provide travel management services during normal office hours (Monday to Friday 8h00-17h00) and provide after hours and emergency services. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of Accupar LP-80 Ceptometer. Specifications: Measurement Specifications: Probe PAR Sensors: - Range: 0.0000 - 2500.0000 µmol/(m2s); - Resolution: 1.0000 µmol/(m2s). External PAR Sensor: - Range: 0 to 4,000 µmol/(m2s) (full sunlight ~2,000 µmol/[m2s]); - Resolution: 1.0000 µmol/(m2s); - Accuracy: ±5.0%; - Unattended Logging Interval: Between 1 and 60 min (user selectable). Physical Specifications: - Computer Interface: - Locking 5-pin sealed circular connector to RS-232 cable. Controller: - Length: 15.8 cm (6.20 in); - Width: 9.5 cm (3.75 in); - Height: 3.3 cm (1.30 in); - Weight: 0.6 kg (1.21 lb) with batteries. External PAR Sensor: - Locking 5-pin sealed circular connector on 5-m cable. External Sensor Dimensions: - Diameter: 24.0 mm (0.94 in); - Height: 27.0 mm (1.06 in). Probe Dimensions: - Length: 86.5 cm (34.06 in); - Width: 19.0 mm (0.75 in); - Height: 9.5 mm (0.38 in). Probe Sensors: - Number: 80; - Type: Photosynthetically active radiation sensor. External Sensor: - Number: 1; - Type: Apogee SQ110 photosynthetically active radiation sensor. Data Storage: - 1 MB flash memory. Operating Temperature Range: - Minimum: 0.00°C; - Maximum: 50.00°C. Operating Relative Humidity Range: - Minimum: 0%; - Maximum: 100%; - Power: 4 AA batteries, included. Other: - Compliance: EM ISO/IEC 17050:2010 (CE Mark) and GSA approved. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby requested for the appointment of a service provider to conduct translation services for a period of three (3) years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS