Bids are invited for general waste collection and recycling. Please confirm the closing date as it was published as 03/12/2023. (Тендер №114438603ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 114438603
Дата публикации: 20-11-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of service provider to undertake subdivision, consolidation and rezoning of municipal properties. Scope: Planning and survey projects to be undertaken are situated within Ward 4, 14 and 16 at the municipality: 1. Erf 37 & 38, Lady Frere ward 14 (Council Chamber and Municipal Offices); Type of application: Consolidation; 2. Erven 128, 129, 130 and 141, Indwe, ward 16 (Municipal offices); Type of application: Consolidation; 3. Portion of Erf 1 for filling Station ward 14 (5 000m2); Type of application: Subdivision and Rezoning; 4. Erf 1279 Dordrecht ward 14 for residential purposes; Type of application: Subdivision and Rezoning; 5. Portion of Erf 1 Animal Pound Holding Facility; Type of application: Subdivision and Rezoning. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of materials for sport complex building maintenance. Specifications: - IBR 0.4MM 4.8M, qty: 23; - IBR 0.4MM 4.2M, qty: 5; - IBR 0.4MM 3.6M, qty: 5; - IBR 0.4MM 4.8M, qty: 22; - Tek screw 5.5 X 85 (100), qty: 10; - Bonded washer 6 X 26 (500), qty: 6; - Steel lipped channel 150 X 50 X 20 X 2 X P-M, qty: 1616; - Steel lipped channel 75 X 50 X 20 X 2 X P-M, qty: 1036; - Steel flat bar 60 X 10 PM, qty: 120. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited for the provision of general building maintenance and alterations services at Property Management Mpumalanga Operating Unit, on as and when required basis for a period of 60 months. Scope: The scope includes the provision of the following facilities management services: Plumbing and Drainage, Civil works, General Building Maintenance and Alterations services. The scope of plumbing, drainage, civil maintenance including alterations services includes but is not limited to: 1. Provision of a variety of skilled plumbing and civil maintenance work involved in Corrective, Preventive and Planned Maintenance of client"s Commercial Properties; 2. Supply, Installations, repairs and maintenance of all and any damages to client"s properties, foreseen and unforeseen; 3. To create a safe, favourable and user friendly, environment for client"s employees and tenants in order to maintain employee satisfaction and increased productivity; 4. On a daily basis attend to calls from client"s employees through client"s Facilities office instruction and attend to emergency maintenance work; 5. As and when required there will be a need to do work after hours as may be requested by the client"s Facilities; 6. As per the size of the complex and consideration of its age, we need resources that will be on site permanently to attend to day-to-day defects at the request of client"s Facilities. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Informal tenders are hereby invited for the repairing of a fence. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the supply of tractor repairs. Scope: - Diagnostics and repairs required for the tractor (New Holland TD 5.90 4WD) at Makhathini Research Station; - Turbo needs replacement and the rear hydraulic system not functional (lift arms not responding). Qty: 01. Please note that this RFQ was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide 4 x 4TB hard drive similar or equivalent to Synology. Specifications: - 4 x 4TB HAT5300 SATA III 3.5 Internal Enterprise HDD. Department: Finance. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS