Formal price quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of 240l wheelie bins. Scope: 1. The wheeled bins shall conform to the following specifications: • Shall be constructed of HDPE material; • Must have a capacity of 240 litres; • Must have a height of 1063 mm; • Must have a nominal weight of 9 kg; • Must have a width of 720 mm; • Must have a wheel diameter of 200 mm; • Date of manufacture to be moulded into body and lid; • Six digit serial number to be moulded into body. 2. The wheeled bins must also have the following key features: • The bins must be black in colour; • Strengthened front comb to ensure exact locking on lifting equipment; • Solid rubber tyres with steel spring loaded locking pins; • Rounded corners and smooth, easy to clean internal surfaces; • Must have a corrosion resistant axle; • Must be compatible with standard lifting equipment; • Must have a warranty of minimum 5 years. Qty: 200. (Тендер №114528764ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 114528764
Дата публикации: 21-11-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for training - Bricklaying and paving. Scope: 1) Paving; 2) Bricklaying. Specifications: 1) The training must be heavily weighted on the practical component; 2) The training must include formative and summative assessments; 3) After the training is successfully completed the learner must be able to demonstrate the practical skills of being able to do paving and bricklaying; 4) The training must be pitched at an NQF 2 level; 5) The tenderer must be able to provide the necessary tools and equipment to perform the required practical and theoretical training. On completion of the training the learner must be able to: 1) Paving, the candidate must demonstrate all the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the task safely, efficiently and successfully to its original state; 2) Basic Building construction, the candidate must demonstrate the skills and knowledge to complete the task safely, efficiently and successfully to its original state, examples of the skills required will be Building valve boxes with Brick and block, building small chambers, kerbing etc. The service provider must also include catering in their quotation. Coffee and tea, lunch consisting of one starch, one vegetable, one type of meat, salad and one 330ml soda. Special dietary requirements will communicated 2 weeks before the training and must be provided for same amount as normal meal stated above. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Amendment to CIDB grading. Tenders are hereby invited for the Repairs and renovations of a Student Residence. Please confirm the closing time as two closing times were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the provision of accommodation, catering and conference facility services - Langebaan. Specifications: Accommodation (Sharing): - 03 December 2024 (check in) – 04 December 2024 (check out), - 20 persons, - One night. Catering: Day 1 – 03 December 2024: - 12:00: Lunch to be served- Lasagne with Sweet Potatoes & Greek Salad, Cooldrink (40 people), - 15:00: Tea Break: Muffins or Croissants with juice, coffee or tea, - 19:00: Braai /Lamb with Sausage, rolls, salad and Cooldrink (25 people). Day 2 – 04 December 2024: - 08:00: English Breakfast (40 people), - 11:00: Tea Break: Scones with cream, tea or coffee, - 13:00: Chicken Snitchels with sauce, chips or Greek salad. Conference facility: - Data Projector, Sound, Flip Chart, - Conference room should hold a capacity of 40 people. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby requested for the license renewal, support and maintain, a customer relationship management tool for a period of one (1) year. Specifications: 1. Splendid CRM Enterprise Annual Licensing: - Current Features Modules: • Organisation Contact Importing; • Client Queries; • Chart Visual Reporting; • Stakeholder Details Database; • Reporting Analytics on Dashboards; • Document Management; • Bulk Emailing; • Collaboration Tools: Meetings; • Report Designer; • Surveys; - Quantity: 5 users. 2. Maintenance and Support: • Routine Updates; • Performance Optimization; • New Customization and enhancement requests; • Technical Support; • Database Backups; • CRM Site Security (Installation of up-to-date SSL Certificate); - New Developments (Customization & Enhancements): • Unsubscribe Functionality; • Increase current Bulk email limit (Currently 200); • Integration with third-party applications (APIs and Web Service); - Quantity: 10 hours per month. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to Tender Documents: Quotations are hereby requested from competent and experienced service providers for the upgrading of the roof and internal reception area in Porterville. The Scope of Works will include the following but will not limit works to completed under this contract: 1. The sealing and waterproofing of existing 205m² roof: - Ensure sufficient cleaning and preparation to be done prior to waterproofing of roof; - Application of Roofguard Grecian Grey roof paint/sealant will be required; 2. Installation of fascia Boards and Gutters around the existing roof; 3. Upgrade by means of replacing the wooden louvers on the roof with Galvanized Louvers as per the specification of the existing louvers; 4. Upgrading current structure to prohibit the infestation of all bird species; 5. Install 35m² of plain white PVC ceiling with cornice (4m High): - 25 x 25mm battens to be installed to support new ceiling installation with border support. 6. Painting of 93m² of interior walls (4m High) with a washable sheen in 8892-1 Quick Silver colour. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of protected gloves. Specifications: - A000003 gloves beige 1000v insulated, size 9, qty: 20; - Gloves beige 1000v insulated, size 11, qty: 20; - Leather over glove protector, size 9, qty: 10; - Leather over glove protector, size 11, qty: 10; - Glove inner mitten, qty: 20; - Glove powder, qty: 20; - Glove carry bag, qty: 10. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS