Addendum: Amendment to tender documents: Bids are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of flexible video adult rhino laryngoscope (S 143) for Victoria Mxenge Hospital: Once-off. Specifications: - Endoscopic system for evaluation and for providing a detailed observation of the rhino-laryngeal tract in adults; - Supply, delivery, end user training, demonstration, commissioning and installation of flexible high definition camera system which must include the following components: - HD colour chip Video Processor designed for endoscopes that have a high resolution colour CCD chip and light source unit; - 1 x Adult Video Rhino-Laryngoscope; - 1 x 19 inch minimum size LCD colour medical monitor; - 1 x Leakage Tester; - 1 x Trolley; - Colour Video Printer. (Тендер №114605698ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 114605698
Дата публикации: 22-11-2024


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Quotations are hereby requested for the appointment of a supplier for the servicing and repair of sewerage pumps for a period of 36 months. Scope of works: Services to be rendered. - Provision of basic repairs up to an amount of R9000 on approval of quote for consumable items/components and parts, - Provision of Pump service schedules at for the following facilities annually: 1. Agulhas Restcamp, 2. Lighthouse prescient, 3. Bosheuwel, 8. Ratelrivier, 9. Any other facilities as identified by the client. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited from service providers for supply and delivery of HSE items. Specifications: - NOSA SHE representatives inspection registers x 40; - NOSA portable electrical equipment registers x 05; - NOSA earth leakage registers x 05; - COID act posters A1 size, laminated x 25. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby requested for the refurbishment of three staff houses at the Knysna Section of the Garden Route National Park. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for renovations at NHLS Kokstad Park Home. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to tender documents: Bids are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of a cataract extraction unit, phacoemulsification for Grey’s Hospital: Once off. Specifications: Supply, delivery, end user training, demonstration, commission and installation of a cataract extraction unit that incorporates the latest technology, incorporate safety features, must be extremely user friendly for the performance of cataract and vitreous surgery. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Bids are hereby invited from eligible and interested companies, consortiums, and joint ventures to procure qualified clinical psychologist/EAP intervention, Qty: 1. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS