Bids are hereby invited for the calibration of laboratory equipment for the raising of Clanwilliam Dam in the Western Cape for Construction South. Specifications: 1. Calibration of 6kg Bench Scale x 1, 2. Calibration of 30kg Bench Scale x 1, 3. Calibration of 16kg Bench Scale x 1, 4. Calibration of 8kg Bench Scale x 1, 5. Calibration of 500Kg Platform Scale x 1, 6. Calibration of 150Kg x 10G Platform scale x 1, 7. Calibration Cube Press Auto. Calibration from 100kN to 2000kN x 1, 8. Calibration Cube Press Auto. Calibration from 100kN to 2000kN x 2. (Тендер №114721276ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 114721276
Дата публикации: 25-11-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for renovations for dining room and toilets facilities to the office of the CEO, Main Building at NHLS Sandringham Campus. Specifications: Dining area: - Painting works; Toilets facilities: - Gents toilets facilities; - Ladies Toilets facilities; Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of office furniture and appliances for Construction South. Specifications: 1. Office Table with drawers x 45, 2. Office Chair - Visitor x 40, 3. Office Chair, Heavy Duty, Swivel and Tilt on 5 star base, (Min 150kg) x 55, 4. Filing Cabinet, 4 Drawer x 20, 5. Stationery Cupboard, Steel x 10, 6. Um 15lt x 10, 7. Bookcase 4 tier x 10, 8. Urn 15lt x 10, 9. Stove 4 plate x 10, 10. Cold Water Dispenser, Floor Standing 8lt x 15, 11. Microwave (Min 40lt) x 10, 12. Fridge (Min 250lt) x 10. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply of rinsing gun set with attachments x 01 pack. Specifications: - Rinsing gun for cleaning or drying of Instruments or devices. Set to include gun nozzle and different attachments tips, nozzles and hoses. Must be easy to use plug and play. Must be able to fit on a ½ inch tap. Air and water compatible. Must be able to be used on hot and cold water. Must have a heat insulated gun grip for extra safety. - Adjustable pressure settings. The set must include a rack for the attachments and gun. Contract Period: Once Off. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply of straws x 200 pack. Specifications: - Plastic straws, medicinal, drinking straws that are bendable on one side for easy sipping, disposable, can be multi - coloured, 100 units per pack. Contract Period: Once Off. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to Supply Q Contact Call Centre License & Maintenance for a period of 3 years. Scope of work: - Must include support for the period of 3 years; - QContact V2 CRM Omnichannel License per user x 8 agents and 1x supervisor; - CRM, Omni Channel Contact Centre & Ticketing -Usage based billing model for 8 Users; - Integration with email with Office 365 outlook client; - Must have ticket management functionality to allow agents to chat, create, update, classify track and include automated escalations of tickets. - Must provide customer satisfaction survey; - Must Cater for integrated social media platforms (Voice, Video, WhatsApp, Facebook etc); - Must have built in CRM; - WhatsApp Chatbot; - Call recording with playback function; - Must have 500 per Channel for WhatsApp Channel x 3 years; - Must have QContact ZA DDI Number (060 Number) x 1 - 3 years (Annually); - The 060 number must come with a higher Contactability rate for the overall quality and reliability; - Enhanced call routing; - Interactive tracking and Reporting; - Recording of calls (Quality Management); - Recording to be shared with IT team; - The bidder should provide support and maintenance on ad-hoc basis for 3 years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Offers are hereby invited for the establishment of disposal agreement to purchase, removal and collection of scrapped/used paper for Mpumalanga highveld offices mainly client Park, Witbank Tender Office and Middelburg RDC and surrounding client projects sites for a period of 36 months on a “as and when” required basis. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS