Tenders are hereby invited for the installation of new armoured windows and doors in the access control buildings in central grid substations for a period of twelve (12) months. Scope of work/Employers Requirements: The scope of work entails the full development of the project definition to enable the following high level tasks at the identified Central Grid HV plant substations. This includes, but is not limited to, the following activities: a) Drawings: • Ensure all necessary drawings as outlined are read and followed accordingly for the positions of identified openings, b) Removal and Replacement of Windows and External Doors: • Remove existing windows and external doors (main entrance, where applicable) as instructed, • Replace with new armoured windows and doors according to the manufacturer’s specifications, • Ensure the protection of the surrounding area from theft and adverse/inclined weather conditions during the removal and installation process, c) Finishing Work: • Make good the areas around windowsills and door architraves by backfilling the gaps with masonry mortar, • Plaster accordingly to achieve a desirable finish that matches the existing structure, d) Painting: • Apply primer and two coats of paint to match the existing paint colors, ensuring a consistent and professional appearance, e) Housekeeping: • Maintain cleanliness throughout the project by ensuring no residue or rubble is left behind after each installation activity. All debris should be properly disposed of, f) Window and Door Specifications: • Windows: • W1: 900mm x 900mm, • W2: 800mm (height) x 450mm (width), • W3:1020MM (height) x 1020mm (width), Exterior Doors: • Standard Door (D1): 2064mm (height) x 813mm (width), g) Detailed Work Breakdown: • Site Preparation. (Тендер №114884433ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 114884433
Дата публикации: 27-11-2024
Окончание подачи заявок через: 15 дней


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