Extension of closing date: Quotations are hereby invited for the Skills training of 25 learners for the National Certificate in Community Health Work (SP65749) from communities around Galeshewe, Sol Plaatje Local Municipality. Scope of work: Scope of work shall include: 1. Facilitate the implementation of the training for the 25 learners by the accredited trainers and manage all the training-related administrative activities. 2. Keep records of the attendance of learners and facilitate the payment of stipends, UIF, and COIDA in line with the applicable regulations. 3. Work closely with the client Programme Management team to manage the placement of learners in the client programmes for experiential learning. 4. Provide monthly reports on progress and financial expenditure in line with the templates provided. 5. Address all issues that may emerge related to training and the project. The Training Service provider will be responsible for training of 25 learners that are to be recruited from the local communities within a radius of 10KM from Northern Cape where client implements a project in Galeshewe, under the Sol Plaatjies Local Municipality. The service provider must ensure that recruited learners are not workers of the clients projects or anywhere. (Тендер №114969532ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 114969532
Дата публикации: 28-11-2024


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Extension of closing date: Quotations are hereby invited for the Skills training of 25 learners for the National Certificate in Community Health Work (SP65749) from communities around Wattville, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. Scope of work: Scope of work shall include: 1. Facilitate the implementation of the training for the 25 learners by the accredited trainers and manage all the training-related administrative activities. 2. Keep records of the attendance of learners and facilitate the payment of stipends, UIF, and COIDA in line with the applicable regulations. 3. Work closely with the client Programme Management team to manage the placement of learners in the client programmes for experiential learning. 4. Provide monthly reports on progress and financial expenditure in line with the templates provided. 5. Address all issues that may emerge related to training and the project. The Training Service provider will be responsible for training of 25 learners that are to be recruited from the local communities within a radius of 10KM from Gauteng where client implements a project in Wattville, under the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. The service provider must ensure that recruited learners are not workers of the IDT projects or anywhere. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the renovations and refurbishments at Zaragoza Flats at Wonderboom South. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of closing date: Quotations are hereby invited for the Skills training of 25 learners for the National Certificate in Community Health Work (SP65749) from communities around Madadeni, Newcastle, Newcastle Local Municipality. Scope of work: Scope of work shall include: 1. Facilitate the implementation of the training for the 25 learners by the accredited trainers and manage all the training-related administrative activities. 2. Keep records of the attendance of learners and facilitate the payment of stipends, UIF, and COIDA in line with the applicable regulations. 3. Work closely with the IDT Programme Management team to manage the placement of learners in the IDT programmes for experiential learning. 4. Provide monthly reports on progress and financial expenditure in line with the templates provided. 5. Address all issues that may emerge related to training and the project. The Training Service provider will be responsible for training of 25 learners that are to be recruited from the local communities within a radius of 10KM from KZN where IDT implements a project in Emadadeni Newcastle, under the Newcastle Local Municipality. The service provider must ensure that recruited learners are not workers of the IDT projects or anywhere. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Medical equipment, accessories and supplies: Supply of sunscreen lotion. Specifications: 1. Sunscreen - Type: Lotion; Size: 200ml; Specification: with minimum SPF 50+, UVA and UVB protection; Standard: Tested to SANS 1557 / Colipa Standard / ISO 24444 and CANSA Sunsmart Choice Certified and bear the Seal. Delivery Date: 2025/01/23. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of closing date: Quotations are hereby invited for the Skills training of 25 learners for the National Certificate in Community Health Work (SP65749) from communities around GaMashabela Village, Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality. Scope of work: Scope of work shall include: 1. Facilitate the implementation of the training for the 25 learners by the accredited trainers and manage all the training-related administrative activities. 2. Keep records of the attendance of learners and facilitate the payment of stipends, UIF, and COIDA in line with the applicable regulations. 3. Work closely with the client Programme Management team to manage the placement of learners in the client programmes for experiential learning. 4. Provide monthly reports on progress and financial expenditure in line with the templates provided. 5. Address all issues that may emerge related to training and the project. The Training Service provider will be responsible for training of 25 learners that are to be recruited from the local communities within a radius of 10KM from Limpopo where client implements a project in Ga-Mashabela, under the Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality. The service provider must ensure that recruited learners are not workers of the clients projects or anywhere. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS