Bids hereby invites interested qualifying property owners to apply for the provision of Student Accommodation for academic year 2025. For accreditation, the off-campus accommodation must comply with the following requirements: 1.1. Student double rooms should be no smaller than 14m², and a single room should be a minimum 7m²; 1.2. Rooms should be furnished with lockable closets, single bed steel or wooden frames including mattress/sponge, study desk, chair, bookshelf, study lamp, panel heater and paper bin. For sharing rooms the required furniture must be duplicated; No more than four students must share a bath or shower and toilet; 1.3. Cooking inside student rooms shall not be permitted. Suitable student storage, preparation and kitchen space shall be provided, which shall be equipped with the following facilities and in the following ratios: • Stove - 1 (plate) per 4 students" residents; • Sink - 1 per 10 students in commune dwellings and 15 student residents in high rise buildings; • Lockable cupboards - 1 per student resident; • Microwave oven - 1 per 8 student residents in commune dwellings and 12 in high rise building; • Countertop space - sufficient for 8 students" in commune dwellings and 12 students" in high rise buildings; 1.4. Rental charged per student is inclusive of VAT, water and electricity; 1.5. Off-Campus accommodation must have the capacity to accommodate a minimum of 20 students for it to qualify for accreditation. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. (Тендер №115170908ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 115170908
Дата публикации: 01-12-2024


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