Quotations are hereby invited for the sale of various erven in various towns. Specifications: 1. Erf No 1306, Botriver, Extent: 996m², Reserve price (VAT inclusive): R200 000.00, Zoning: Residential 1; 2. Erf No 1470, Botriver, Extent: 595m², Reserve price (VAT inclusive): R180 000.00, Zoning: Residential 1; 3. Erf No 1471, Botriver, Extent: 595m², Reserve price (VAT inclusive): R180 000.00, Zoning: Residential 1; 4. Erf No 1472, Botriver, Extent: 595m², Reserve price (VAT inclusive): R180 000.00, Zoning: Residential 1; 5. Erf No1473, Botriver, Extent: 595m², Reserve price (VAT inclusive): R180 000.00, Zoning: Residential 1; 6. Erf No 103, Myddleton, Extent: 630m², Reserve price (VAT inclusive): R190 000.00, Zoning: Residential 1; 7. Erf No 234, Myddleton, Extent: 1951m², Reserve price (VAT inclusive): R290 000.00, Zoning: Residential 1. (Тендер №115363650ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 115363650
Дата публикации: 04-12-2024


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Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of laboratory equipment for Senekal WWTW. Specifications: 1. Nitrate, MR: - Reagents (Compatible with HACH DR3900 series): Nitrate reagent powder Pillows, 10ml, qty: 5 x 100pkts, - Reagents (Compatible with HACH DR3900 series): Nitrate nitrogen standard solutions, 100mg/L NH3-N, qty: 1, - Sodium hydroxide standard solution, 5.0 N, qty: 1, 2. Nitrogen, Ammonia: - Reagents (Compatible with HACH DR3900 series): Nitrogen ammonia, reagent set, qty: 10 x Sets, - Reagents (Compatible with HACH DR3900 series): Nitrogen ammonia standard solution, 10mg/L NH3-N, qty: 1, 3. Phosphate: - Reagents (Compatible with HACH DR3900 series): Phosphate 2ml Ampule, 50mg/L, qty: 2 x 100 Box, - Reagents (Compatible with HACH DR3900 series): Ampule breaker, qty: 1, - Reagents (Compatible with HACH DR3900 series): Phosphate powder pillows 10ml, qty: 5 x 100Pkts, 4. Turbidity, reagents (Compatible with HACH DR3900 series): 0.4000mg/L gelatin fixed standards, qty: 1 x Set, 5. Chlorine: - Reagents (Compatible with HACH DR3900 series): 0 – 10mg/L fixed standards, qty: 1 x set, - Reagents (Compatible with HACH DR3900 series): 1L of 1M HCL solution, qty: 1, 6. Handheld electronic pH multi meter, preferable Pocket Pro+ multi2 (must also do EC, Temp, TDS), qty: 1, 7. Whatman gf/c4.5 cm filter Papers, qty: Box, 8. Measuring Cylinders 1000ml Plastic, qty: 5, 9. Measuring Cylinder 100ml Glass, qty: 5, 10. Measuring Cylinder 50ml, qty: 5, 11. Imhoff Cones with stand, qty: 10, 12. Funnels plus stands, qty: 5, 13. Glass Beakers 50ml, qty: 5, 14. Glass Beakers 100ml, qty: 5, 15. Glass Beakers 500ml, qty: 5, 16. Pipet TenSette (1 – 10ml), qty: 1, 17. Pipet Tips for TenSette pipet, qty: 10 x 50/pkg. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of Water Material to be Delivered in Marquard. Specifications: - Adaptors 20mm x 100; - Straight couplings 20mm x 100; - Equal tees 20mm x 100; - Stop valve 20mm x 100; - HDPE pipe 20mm x 5; - Cascade clamps CR1-0288 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-0375 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-0440 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-0480 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-0520 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-0600 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-0790 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-0800 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-0350 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-1000 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-1100 x 10; - Cascade clamps CR1-1200 x 10. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited to hire of mechanical street sweepers as per specifications. Scope: Hire a wet and dry vacuum suction sweeper from a suitably qualified service provider on an ad-hoc basis. The following minimum technical specifications are applicable and must be complied with: • Hopper volume: 6m³; • Payload volume: 5m³; • Payload mass: 6 metric tons; • Water tank volume: 1300 litres; • Fuel Tank capacity: 190 litres; • Sweeping width (SGB): 2400mm; • Sweeping width (DGB): 3600mm; • Channel brush: 500mm; • Nozzle width: 750mm; • Dust spray output: up to 35 litres/min; • Dust spray pressure: 3.5 bar; • Sweeping speed: 8 to 10 kph; • Gradeability: 29%. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of office furniture for the municipality. Specifications: 1. Office Tables or Desk x 3: - Width: 800mm, - Length: 1.800mm. 2. Busy High Back Office Chairs x 4. 3. Visitors Chairs x 6. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the External Agent for Establishment of Sheriffs Medical Aid Scheme. The client is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced service provider to act as an agent and carryout an in depth investigation into how the client can establish a medical aid scheme to serve as a base for all sheriffs offices in South Africa. The appointment will be project based and must be completed within two months. Scope: The appointed agent should be able to investigate and generate a report on the following within and specific deadline: a. How a medical aid Scheme can be established in line with section 16(j)(ii) of the Sheriffs Act; b. Medical aid Industry requirements and time frames for establishment; c. The associated establishment and management costs of the scheme; d. Maintenance of the scheme requirements such as labor and infrastructure; e. Benefits to the and Fidelity Fund; f. Funding structure of the healthcare scheme; g. Management process of the scheme including supporting and assisting in maintaining medical aid membership, such as dependent registrations and de-registrations. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from suitably qualifying suppliers (service providers) for the supply and delivery of roc filling material; Unit: Per ton; Qty: 600 tons. Deliveries shall materialize within 14 working days from receipt of order. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS