Proposals are hereby invited for P Gallery concrete repairs in the Port of Richards Bay as a once off supply. Scope of Works: The P Gallery Concrete repairs project includes the following sub tasks: a) Perform a detailed condition assessment, investigations, and testing to determine the current condition of the P Gallery (viz all concrete works and structural steel work); b) Detailed Structural assessment and analysis of the concrete columns, slabs and concrete beams. The current beams have been identified as requiring design checks for structural strength and subsequent durability restoration methods to be considered, which could include: • Design Checks on the existing concrete structure and recommendations based on current operations; • Design and construct the necessary strengthening to ensure adequate capacity of the existing gallery and supporting structure to maintain safe operations; • Design checks on the existing columns and any strengthening required (viz encasement with steel jackets or carbon fibre, or similar suitable corrective action); • Removal of poor concrete and encasement with special epoxy mortars c) Remedial works to rectify current levels of concrete spalling and corrosion of reinforcement by means of an approved repair methodology; d) Repair all cracks with an approved crack injection system or an approved alternate solution; e) Missing or damaged roof sheets to be replaced to prevent water ingress and pooling on the gallery floor; Sheeting to match existing to be approved by the client; f) All severely corroded steel members need to be replaced and to be corrosion protected as per the clients standard; g) Steel members showing signs of minor corrosion to be treated with the clients corrosion protection system; h) Missing and damaged louvers need to be replaced to match existing; i) Damaged side cladding to be replaced to match existing; j) The severely spalled concrete upstand needs to be repaired with and approved concrete repair methodology; k) The movement joint is to be assessed and rehabilitated and an approved joint sealing system is to be installed; l) The contractor is to assume full accountability and responsibility of the designs and remediation and issue a certificate of stability on completion of the works. (Тендер №115911267ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 115911267
Дата публикации: 13-12-2024


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