Extension of closing date: Tenders are invited for the provision of professional services: Appointment of a panel of maximum six consultants for civil engineering projects for the 2025/26, 2026/27, 2027/28 financial years on an as and when required basis as defined by the scope of services contained in the bid document. (Тендер №115980646ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 115980646
Дата публикации: 13-12-2024


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Bids are hereby invited for the provision of cleaning services at Nelson Mandela Metro: Kwanobuhle Outreach Centre for a period of eight (08) months. Scope: The successful service provider must render cleaning services for the whole office site by providing staff, cleaning equipment, cleaning material, protective clothing and cleaning of government vehicles and gardening services where applicable. The Sites consists of common areas which include offices, boardrooms, entrance hall toilets, kitchen, vehicles, passages, stairs and fire escape. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Written price quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of tools and equipment for water works. Specifications: - PVC pipe class 16 plain ended, 32mm x 6m x 30, - PVC pipe class 16 plain ended, 25mm x 6m x 20, - PVC pipe class 16 plain ended, 20mm x 6m x 10, - PVC pipe class 16 plain ended, 16mm x 6m x 5, - PVC unions plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 32mm x 10, - PVC unions plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 25mm x 10, - PVC unions plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 20mm x 10, - PVC unions plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 16mm x 5, - PVC 900 elbow plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 32mm x 30, - PVC 900 elbow plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 25mm x 20, - PVC 900 elbow plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 20mm x 20, - PVC 900 elbow plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 16mm x 10, - PVC 450 elbow plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 32mm x 10, - PVC 450 elbow plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 25mm x 10, - PVC 450 elbow plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 20mm x 10, - PVC 450 elbow plain PN16 (Solvent Cement Fitting), 16mm x 10, - PVC socket plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 32mm x 20, - PVC socket plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 25mm x 20, - PVC socket plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 20mm x 20, - PVC socket plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 16mm x 20, - PVC reducing socket PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 32 X 25mm x 10, - PVC reducing socket PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 25 X 20mm x 10, - PVC reducing socket PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 20 X 16mm x 10, - Hose adapter plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 32mm x 5, - Hose adapter plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 25mm x 5, - Hose adapter plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 20mm x 5, - 900 tee plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 32mm x 5, - 900 tee plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 25mm x 5, - 900 tee plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 20mm x 5, - 900 tee plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 16mm x 5, - End cap plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 32mm x 5, - End cap plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 25mm x 5, - End cap plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 20mm x 5, - End cap plain PN16 (solvent cement fitting), 16mm x 5, - Single union ball valve plain PN16 (solvent fitting), 32mm x 5, - Single union ball valve plain PN16 (solvent fitting), 25mm x 5, - Single union ball valve plain PN16 (solvent fitting), 20mm x 5, - Single union ball valve plain PN16 (solvent fitting), 16mm x 5, - Pipe support clips black open, 32mm x 50, - Pipe support clips black open, 25mm x 50, - Pipe support clips black open, 20mm x 15, - Pipe support clips black open, 16mm x 15, - Heavy duty solvent cement, 250ml x 8, - Pipe cleaner for solvent cement, 500ml x 2. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of tools and equipment: - Portable earth reticulation kit, sizes: 1 – 33kV, - Phase to phase jumpers of 16mm flexible copper translucent PVC sheathing with snap on clamps on both ends, sizes: 4 x 2meter, qty: 1, - Phase to cluster bar jumpers of 16mm flexible copper translucent PVC sheathing with snap on clamp on one end and earth clamp on the other end, sizes: 2 x 10 meter, qty: 1, - Cluster bar to earth rod jumper of 16mm flexible copper with yellow translucent PVC sheathing with earth clamps on both ends, sizes: 1 x 4 meter, qty: 1, - Cluster bar, qty: 1, - Snap on clamp removal head, qty: 1, - 2-Prolong applicator head, qty: 1, - Heavy duty carry bag, qty: 1, - Earth rod, qty: 2, - Voltage detector, sizes: 169kV, qty: 1. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Written price quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of tools and equipment for roads and storm water. Specifications: - Flexi drain rods set, size: 2m Lengths, 8mm Diameter, Qty: 8, - Double corkscrew, size: As per Flexi Drain Rods Size, Qty: 8, - Drop scraper, size: As per Flexi Drain Rods Size, Qty: 8, - Boring tool, size: As per Flexi Drain Rods Size, Qty: 8. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Written price quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of clamps for the municipality. Specifications: - Clamps, Size: CR1-0690-08 x 30, - Clamps, Size: CR1-0480-08 x 30, - Clamps, Size: CR1-0440-08 x 40, - Clamps, Size: CR1-1000-12 x 15, - Clamps, Size: CR1-0375-08 x 30, - Clamps, Size: CR1-0288-06 x 30, - Clamps, Size: CR1-0663-08 x 40, - Clamps, Size: CR1-0350-08 x 30, - Clamps, Size: CR1-0300-06 x 30, - Clamps, Size: CR1-0200-06 x 40, - Clamps, Size: CR1-0710-08 x 10, - Half clamps (CFC), Size: 20mm x 50, - Half clamps (CFC), Size: 15mm x 50, - Clamps, Size: CR1-0500-80 x 50, - Half clamps (CFC), Size: 25mm x 50, - Junior coupling clamps (CFW), Size: 15mm x 40, - Junior coupling (CFW), Size: 20mm x 40, - Junior coupling clamps (CFW), Size: 25mm x 40. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of closing date: Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for revenue debt collection services for a period of 36 months. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS