Quotations are hereby invited for the Management Skills Training Course: NQF Level 6/7 Aligned Course. Specifications: Virtual Training: - Management Skills Training per course (Cape Town), No. of delegates per course: 10, No. of training sessions required: 1; - Management Skills Training per course (Pretoria), No. of delegates per course: 10, No. of training sessions required: 2; - Management Skills Training per course (Port Elizabeth), No. of delegates per course: 10, No. of training sessions required: 1; - Management Skills Training per course (Durban), No. of delegates per course: 10, No. of training sessions required: 1. Face to face: - Management Skills Training per course (Cape Town), No. of delegates per course: 10, No. of training sessions required: 1; - Management Skills Training per course (Pretoria), No. of delegates per course: 10, No. of training sessions required: 2; - Management Skills Training per course (Port Elizabeth), No. of delegates per course: 10, No. of training sessions required: 1; - Management Skills Training per course (Durban), No. of delegates per course: 10, No. of training sessions required: 1. Training will be provided to employees based in all the Clients Regions: Head Office, Eastern, Southern, Western. (Тендер №115986002ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 115986002
Дата публикации: 13-12-2024


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Tenders are hereby invited for the purchasing, supply and delivery with maintenance for 3 years of 3 x new tow motors, 1 x new forklift and 2 x lead acid forklift batteries to the client at the client Incubation Centre Based at Ford in Silverton, Pretoria. Scope of work: - New 3 x 6 ton or higher rider seated tow motors including 2 chargers with: • Battery type: Lithium ion; • 3 years’ service and maintenance plan for rider seated tow motors; • Warranty - minimum 3 years; • Minimum rider seated tow motor. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the Appointment of a Service Provider for the Major Repair of 4.8 MV 360 KJ Outdoor Impulse Generator. Specifications: New Charging rectifier - Nominal voltage 200 kV: - Nominal current 60 mA; - Primary voltage 380; - Input power 30 000 VA; - Polarity (Positive and Negative). New impulse measurement control system to replace the existing faulty system: - Controller system capable of controlling surges voltages up to 4.8 MV; - Accuracy and parameters covered as stated in IEC/SANS 60060 series of standard; - Controller must be compatible and user friendly. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bidders are hereby invited for electrical works as and when for 36 months at the following different sites, namely: 1) Automotive Supplier Park (ASP) - Rosslyn; 2) Automotive Incubation Centre (AIC) - Silverton; 3) Winterveld Enterprise Hub – Winterfeld; 4) Gauteng Learning Centre (GALC) - Rosslyn; 5) Chamdor Automotive Hub - Krugersdorp. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of equipment. Specifications: - Blades (Walk-behind lawnmower) x 1, unit: Set, - Different sets of Amazone blades x 3, unit: Sets, - Amazone scarifying blades x 2, unit: Sets, - Digital Grip Measuring Wheel x 2, unit: ea, - Direct Drive Compressor Model RC-1524D pieces x 1, unit: ea. Please note this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the Appointment of Service Provider to Undertake Real Estate Portfolio Due-Diligence Services for a twenty-four months period on an as and when basis. Scope: Provision of due-diligence services includes: • Identification, market valuation, and analysis of the income generating assets ripe for investment and redevelopment; • Formulation of real estate portfolio parameters for capital raising for finance and investment opportunities; • Co-investment analysis, modelling and business case assessment alongside third developers/investors; • Compliance with the existing legislative framework to support investment and development strategy; • Assessment of the transfer list of the income generating assets over to the Intersite balance sheet. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for brief of professional internal audit service providers to submit a proposal for internal audit services to the client for a period of three years commencing from 1 February 2025 to 31 January 2028. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS