Tenders are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of bird guards of plastic bird diverters & stainless-steel straps for NTCSA – Central Grid. Scope: - The bird perch diverter should be made of a plastic material that complies with the rapid aging, material composition, pull and drop tests. In addition, they should be 575mm tall and 1m long and have intermediate uprights spaced 80mm apart. They should alternate between tall uprights (500mm) and short uprights of 280mm, on a base of 75mm. The plastic wall thickness should be 2.5mm minimum and made of material that compiles with the material composition requirements; - They should also not have sharp points that can cause harm to birds or other wildlife; - The fasteners must be made of stainless-steel strap with a quick release mechanism; - The dimensions of the stainless straps are 12mm x 0.75mm. The tenderer is required to supply a minimum of 3 x 600mm lengths of strap with each bird perch diverter. (Тендер №116059849ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 116059849
Дата публикации: 14-12-2024


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Proposals are hereby invited for the provision of services to develop an organisational-level fundraising system for the Southern Ocean Carbon-Climate Programme (SOCCO) targeting large-scale, long-term national and international funders and donors. Scope of Work: 1. Design a comprehensive organisational-level fundraising framework for SOCCO to secure large-scale, multi-year national and international funding; 2. Develop a comprehensive fundraising strategy and proposal templates closely aligned with SOCCO’s strategic positioning, including key impact indicators to frame strategy, including donor segmentation and engagement plans with key funders and potential collaborations, tactics for leveraging SOCCO’s impact in climate science and the Southern Ocean to appeal to funders; 3. Research, identify, evaluate, and recommend potential large-scale funding opportunities (e.g: government grants, philanthropic foundations, private donors, and corporate partnerships) that align with SOCCO’s mission (including an alignment to evaluation criteria, technical and financial requirements and feasible application deadlines); 4. Create tailored “pitches” and communication materials with reference to key impact indicators, including wins and “gaps” that effectively highlights SOCCO’s impact. Allow for ideation of proposals that link language to pitch and ensure alignment with funder requirements that uniquely reflect the targets of different funder types; 5. Ensure effective communication with SOCCO’s leadership team, maintaining responsiveness and collaboration throughout the engagement; 6. Provide a clear timeline for the development of key outputs and define specific milestones for the completion of each major task. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the construction of platform at the Water Technology Demonstration Hub. Scope of Work: The primary activities under this Contract consists of the following: (a) Preliminary and General Obligations (including security); (b) Cleaning, grubbing, and finishing; (c) Bulk earthworks (including in a ground which is saturated with water); (d) Concrete works; (e) Construction of sewer pipeline. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS