Bids are hereby invited for long term leasing and development of unutilized state-owned immovable properties for Kimberley Regional Office (Cluster 9). (Тендер №116059855ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 116059855
Дата публикации: 14-12-2024
Окончание подачи заявок через: 9 дней


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Tenders are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of bird guards of plastic bird diverters & stainless-steel straps for NTCSA – Central Grid. Scope: - The bird perch diverter should be made of a plastic material that complies with the rapid aging, material composition, pull and drop tests. In addition, they should be 575mm tall and 1m long and have intermediate uprights spaced 80mm apart. They should alternate between tall uprights (500mm) and short uprights of 280mm, on a base of 75mm. The plastic wall thickness should be 2.5mm minimum and made of material that compiles with the material composition requirements; - They should also not have sharp points that can cause harm to birds or other wildlife; - The fasteners must be made of stainless-steel strap with a quick release mechanism; - The dimensions of the stainless straps are 12mm x 0.75mm. The tenderer is required to supply a minimum of 3 x 600mm lengths of strap with each bird perch diverter. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from the appointment of an accredited service provider to offer training related on face to face 15 days short course (NEBOSH). Specifications: - Short course for NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate (EMC): Course duration 05 days; - Short course for NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (IGC): Course duration 10 days; - Nature of Conducting the Training: Face-to-face. - Course Duration: 15 working days total. Location: South Africa, Pretoria. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement of contract number: MWP2824NTCSA. Tenders are hereby invited for provision of access to the Government Property Information System to the client for a period of 5 years. Scope of Work: • Provision of Access to the Government Property Information System for a period of five years, • Access to electronic system is required on a daily basis for various property transactions such as finding property information, ownership information on property, requesting e-copies of Deeds Office documents, receiving automated valuations on property, information on individuals, companies and directors" details and linked Credit Bureau documentation etc. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for long-term leasing and development of unutilized state-owned immovable properties in Cape Town Regional Office (Cluster 11). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for long-term leasing and development of unutilized state-owned immovable properties in Bloemfontein Regional Office (Cluster 10). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the purchase of suitable office accommodation for the provincial office in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal. Scope: Office Building and Parking: - The size of the building must be a minimum of 422 m²; - The office accommodation for the KZN Provincial Office must be within a 25 km range of the current offices located at Department of Public Works Office Precinct, 428 Blink Bonnie Road, Mayville, excluding industrial and residential areas; - The office must be a SAPOA Grade B or higher office facility; - Ablution facilities available to staff and clients should preferably be separate or otherwise, located in the public area and easily accessible to staff. The minimum number of bathrooms/hand basins must be 7 for general use and 1 for disabled persons; - The bidder must confirm that the building is asbestos free; - The parking should include the 07 covered Parking Bays and 01 disabled bay. Total number of parking bays 08; Site and Building Accessibility. - Must be a stand-alone building or in an office park; - Close to Public Transport routes; - Building must be reconfigurable. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS