Bids are hereby invited to appoint a catering service provider to provide on-site canteen services to SITA Erasmuskloof and Centurion offices and ad-hoc catering services to all Gauteng offices for a period of five (5) years. Scope: The scope of this tender will be as follows: 1. An all-inclusive canteen and catering service delivered to Gauteng buildings as indicated: (a) Management of On-site Canteen services at Erasmuskloof and Centurion: (Including Daily Tea/Coffee service): Providing basic meals (breakfast and lunch, cooked and fast foods), non-alcoholic beverages, snacks and other items on a daily basis to on-site personnel, visitors, tenants and contractors; (b) Refreshment service in boardrooms & function venues: The client will provide the stock for the coffee and tea service to the satellite kitchens situated in Boulevards. The service provider to provide the human resources for preparation and serving of refreshments; (c) Catering services at all Gauteng Buildings: Providing of 3-course meals, buffets, variety of platters and ad hoc catering requirements – it will include menu planning, delivery and serving as per client specifications; (d) Value added services as requested for events e.g. Additional Catering/waitering staff, additional Set up and clearing services, Hiring of cutlery, catering equipment & linen, chairs, tables and marques tents, provisioning of décor items and flowers; (e) Service Level Agreement (SLA): A Service Level Agreement will be established to manage the quality of the service and non-compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the SLA; (f) Performance Measurement: Service providers’ performance will be assessed against the criteria outlined in the SLA; (g) Sub-Contracting: Service providers are not permitted to sub-contract this service to other providers. (Тендер №117462609ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 117462609
Дата публикации: 16-01-2025
Окончание подачи заявок через: 12 дней


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