Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the following: Provision of coal handling plant daily maintenance contract at Tutuka Power Station for a period of 3 years. Scope of works: The purpose of this scope is to stipulate an overview of work to be performed during the maintenance execution on plant equipment as instructed and directed by the existing PMs and by the Senior Supervisor or any other personnel authorized to do so. The execution of plant maintenance in the Terrace Coal Handling Plant includes the following: • Cleaning of all facilities and plant components; • Maintenance (Mechanical / Electrical / Instrumentation / Civil etc) of all the coal conveyors and associated equipment idlers, idler frames, pulley plummer blocks, pulleys, pulley lagging, silos, transfer chutes, flopper gates, flopper actuators, electric motors, Silo hoppers, gearboxes, fluid couplings, power pack, conveyor belt tension stations, dust extractors, grizzly bars, gantry house cladding, electromagnet separators, MTH sump and sump pump and tramp bin; • Maintenance of Shuttle Conveyors and associated rail (pinion and rack); • Maintenance of conveyor belts, unreeling new belt, installation, reeling of redundant belt; • Maintenance on lagging of pulleys and greasing of associated Plummer blocks; • Maintenance on replacement of worn-out idler rollers and idler brackets; • Maintenance on patching, lining and cleaning of chutes and flopper gates inside the chutes and maintenance on actuators; • Execute all Plant Maintenance (PM) orders (Conveyor Platform Maintenance); • Maintenance of all emergencies arising belt misalignment, ripping, loose skirting, backplates; • Maintenance of all civil associated components, silo sumps and drains leading to and including South Settling Ponds, MTH sump and pump, all drainage around MTH and from MTH to Steinmuller Dam, East Settling Ponds and the electrical pumps in South Settling Ponds; • Maintenance of hydraulic power pack and all its associated equipment; • Maintenance of air extractors and all its associated components; • Maintenance on Silo hopper and Silo discharge profile plate; • Maintenance on all the control & instrumentation protections associated with the Terrace CHP components; • Maintenance of all components (mechanical, civil, electrical and instrumentation) on coal stacker reclaimer machine. (Тендер №69541085ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 69541085
Дата публикации: 09-09-2022


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Bids are hereby invited for the following: NDPWI: Bloemfontein Regional Office: Anti-GBV initiative: Installation of outdoor chromadek board with aluminum frame at Bloemspruit, Thabong, Zamdela and Phuthaditjhaba Police Stationers: NDPW: Bloemfontein R/O: Head Office: Supply of billboard advertising. Specifications: • Installation of outdoor Chromadek board with aluminum frame at Bloemspruit, Thabong, Zamdela and Phuthaditjhaba; • Size of aluminum frame: 1.5m (h) x 5m (w); • Type of printing: Digital print and UV coating for extra protection; • Chromadek sheet 0.6mm thickness (epoxy coated galvanised sheet); • The artwork to be printed in full high quality colour; • 3 x steel poles (left, right and centre) to be installed on the ground with concrete; • To be supported by a square tube frame for extra strength; • Steel pole size: 6m long and 1.5m down; • The steel poles to be painted in black; • Artwork will be provided to the awarded service provider. NB: Printing can be done – double sided or single sided (depending on the allocated space). Required at: Police Stationers: Bloemspruit, Thabong, Zamdela Phuthaditjhaba. Please confirm the description as two descriptions were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS