Quotations/Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide catering services at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan - Ernest Malgas Treatment Centre for a period of 06 months. (Тендер №71880378ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 71880378
Дата публикации: 23-10-2022


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Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (“Eskom”) invites you to submit information for the following: Procurement of a full Turnkey contract for a 32 – 36 ton balancing plant to be supplied, erected, and commissioned at Rosherville. Scope: • Geotechnical Investigation; • General site preparation and establishment of construction facilities; • Construction of piled foundations; • Construction and installation of utilities; • Excavation, backfill and road construction; • Design of reinforced concrete elements; • Design of structural steel buildings; • Construction of reinforced concrete structures (in-situ and precast); • Erection and installation of structural steelwork and plate work; • Design and architectural of buildings and offices (including control room); • Construction of buildings; • Design of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning); • Installation and supply of mechanical balancing plant (32 – 36 Ton) equipment; • Installation and supply of all piping as per OEM balancing plant design; • Installation of electrical and instrumentation balancing plant equipment, inclusive of all cabling and power supply as per OEM design; • Drive systems; • Engineering drawings and designs documentation; • Emergency power units (Backup power system); • Spare parts; • Process and oil systems; • Auxiliary parts to run the facility; • General Design: Legal and regulating requirements, Driven Machinery Regulations, ladders, Cranes General safety regulations, pressure equipment and metrication • Commissioning and Training; • Maintenance service contract for 5 years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

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