Expansion of panel for the accreditation of contractors who will assist the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development with the supply, delivery and construction of fencing for the period ending 2025, Limpopo Province. Contractor grading designation of 3SQ, 4SQ, 5SQ, 6SQ, 7SQ, 8SQ and 9SQ class of construction works. (Тендер №72601630ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 72601630
Дата публикации: 02-11-2022


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Digital LED signage for venue marketing and display Источник: ETenders

Tender for the Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of an Industrial Dual Arm Robot to MTU Kerry Campus Источник: ETenders

Expansion of panel for the accreditation of contractors who will assist the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development with the supply, delivery and construction of fencing for the period ending 2025, Eastern Cape Province. Contractor grading designation of 3SQ, 4SQ, 5SQ, 6SQ, 7SQ, 8SQ and 9SQ class of construction works. Источник: SA-Tenders

Appointment of a service provider to be a co-source partner in the development and implementation of a business continuity management system (BCMS) and resilience programme within the DPSA for a period of twenty-four (24) months. Источник: SA-Tenders

Expansion of panel for the accreditation of contractors who will assist the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development with the supply, delivery and construction of fencing for the period ending 2025, Free State Province. Contractor grading designation of 3SQ, 4SQ, 5SQ, 6SQ, 7SQ, 8SQ and 9SQ class of construction works. Источник: SA-Tenders

Expansion of panel for the accreditation of contractors who will assist the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development with the supply, delivery and construction of fencing for the period ending 2025, Gauteng Province. Contractor grading designation of 3SQ, 4SQ, 5SQ, 6SQ, 7SQ, 8SQ and 9SQ class of construction works. Источник: SA-Tenders