Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of professional services consultants for East London Corridor, Berlin Station, Blaney Station and East London Station, Eastern Cape Region for a fixed term of 3 years. Scope of Services: • Facilitate the development of a Clear Project Brief; • Conduct condition assessment of the facilities; • Establish the client’s Procurement Policy for the Projects; • Establish in conjunction with the client, stakeholders and all relevant authorities the site characteristics necessary for the proper design and approval of the intended projects; • Management the integration of the preliminary design to form the basis for the initial viability assessment of the project; • Prepare, co-ordinate and monitor a Project initiation Programme; • Facilitates the preparation of the Preliminary Viability Assessment of the project; • Facilities client approval of all Stage 1 documentation. Objective: The purpose of this submission is to outsource through procurement a consortium of consultants per corridor inclusive of but not limited to the following: Project Manager/Principal Agent, Resident Engineer, an Architect, Quantity Surveyor, Civil and Structural Engineers, Electrical/Electronic Engineer and Mechanical Engineers, and specialist services such as, but not limited to, Accessibility Consultants, Geotechnical Engineers, Electronic Engineers, Health and Safety Consultant, Retail Specialists, Land Surveyor, Transport Planners, Heritage Consultants and Community liaison Consultants to design and supervise construction services for the refurbishment and upgrade of various stations within the subject corridor, to enable the functional use of the property. (Тендер №74336275ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 74336275
Дата публикации: 25-11-2022


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