Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of qualified registered built environment experts to serve as assessors and evaluators of innovative and non-standardized products and systems for Agrément South Africa. Scope of work: The experts are required for the following functions: (i) Assessment of non-standardized construction products and systems. The assessment of non-standardized products and systems involves the activities below: - Identify the relevant assessment criteria and, in the absence of such criteria, establish performance criteria appropriate to the properties and use of the product or system. - Identify and establish suitable test methods or methods of assessment which may be applied in the measurement of performance. - Establish the actual performance of the product or system in accordance with the methods established above. - Provide expert opinion and judgement of acceptability of the product or system, in light of the measured or assessed performance against the appropriate performance criteria and make recommendations to Agrément South Africa Technical and Evaluation Committee (TECO), to approve the product or system as fit for purpose, impose limitations or conditions on the use of the product or system or recommend that approval be withheld. (ii) Advising the Technical Committee of the Board of Agrément South Africa (TECO), on fitness for-purpose for products and systems for which certification is sought. This function includes the following: - Reviewing test reports and draft certificates (prior to the TECO meeting). - Provide written as well as oral opinion to the TECO meeting on the fitness for purpose of non-standardized products and systems that are presented at TECO. - Engage in discussions with other experts and members of TECO, and either recommend or reject the draft certificate(s) for approval. (iii) Providing expert advice to Agrément South Africa on a need basis. This includes the following but not limited to: - Site investigations on projects claiming Agrément compliance but are deviating from the certificate specifications. - Conduct referee assessments. (Тендер №75518511ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 75518511
Дата публикации: 12-01-2023


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