Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply & deliver plant material. Specifications: - Indigenous Trees: Supply and Delivery of plants to be planted for National Armed Force event Empangeni: - 200 x Tulbaghia violacea silver lace; - 200 x Agapanthus praecox; - 2 x standard lollipop trees (Syzygium paniculatum / size approx 1m / 10 litre bag); - 2 x 10L terracotta pots; - 10kg potting soil; - 5 kg large white pebbles. Delivery Address: Stores and Procurement, Betastraal, Alton, Richards Bay. (Тендер №77096807ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 77096807
Дата публикации: 03-02-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Supply and Delivery of Cabinet Sheaths Источник: ETenders

Provision of Consultancy Services for a Sports & Recreation Review Источник: ETenders

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: V 1598 – Replace aircon compressor (asses and repair). Specifications: 1. V – Replace aircon compressor; 2. Replace aircon condenser; 3. Replace expansion valve; 4. Replace receiver drier; 5. Flush aircon system; 6. Service and re-gas. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Grass and tree cutting for a period of 06 months contract as and when required for the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, Alfred Nzo Region. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Catering for Stakeholders Engagement, Quantity: 150. Specifications: • Catering (finger foods); • Canapes Set Up (savoury); • 12 Items (10 dozen each); • 150 welcoming Drinks; • 2 jugs of juices for 15 tables. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: New aircon installation for air conditioners at Richards Bay Civic and waste services aircon replacement x 10 sum. Specification: Equipment to be replaced: a) New air conditioners to be installed at Richards Bay Civic; • 1 x 9000BTU Cassette unit – for Richards Bay Civic, Zakhona Biyela’s office; • 2 x 12000BTU split units – for Richards Bay Civic, various offices; • 1 x 12000BTU Cassette unit – for Richards Bay Civic, D 321 (Nkosi Sbiya office); • 1 x 18000BTU Cassette unit – for D 209 (Fish Bowl Boardroom). b) Air con Replacement – Richards Bay Civic Center and Waste Services: • 1 x 18000BTU Cassette Unit – DMM - IS; • 1 x 12000BTU split unit – D 208 (Sipho Khuzwayo office); • 1 x 12000BTU split unit – D 210 (Jaco Schutte’s office); • 1 x 12000BTU split unit – for Richards Bay Civic, Shaylene Adonis’s office; • 1 x 12000BTU split unit – for Empangeni Museum (IIdiko’s office). Aircon installation: a) Supply, deliver and commission air conditioners; b) Supply and install new piping complete with Amoflex pipe insulation throughout; c) Seal openings on wall with silo form and make look good; d) Provide new Electrical Points; e) Connect newly installed units to individual air con isolators; f) Affix stick with air con unique number to the installed evaporator unit to match old one; g) Provide remotes for all units with batteries; h) Commission newly installed units. Aircon Replacement: a) Remove existing aircon units and deliver them to SCM stores for scrapping as per municipal standards; b) Supply, deliver and commission air conditioners; c) Supply and install new piping complete with Amoflex pipe insulation throughout; d) Seal openings on wall with silo form and make look good; e) Connect newly replaced air con units on existing air con isolators; f) Affix stick with air con unique number to the installed evaporator units; g) Provide remotes for all units with batteries; h) Commission newly replaced air con units. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS