Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Consumables. Specifications: - 10ul Extended non-filter tips, 1000 pcs per bag, Unpacked, Extended, 10 microliters, Universal fit x 10. Required at: 101 Old Soutpan Road, Onderstepoordt, Pretoria, 0001. Please note that this quotation was published late. (Тендер №77513612ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 77513612
Дата публикации: 09-02-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Taq DNA polymerase master mix, 200 reactions, 200 reactions=600 reactions total. Scope: - Routine PCR amplification of DNA fragments up to 5 kb. PCR Master Mix which includes: Taq DNA polymerase, reaction buffer, MgCl2, and each dNTP. Reaction Format: SuperMix or Master Mix. Reaction Speed: Standard. Optional: Green Taq Qty: 03. Address: ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute (ARC-OVI); 100 Old Soutpan Road (M35); Private Bag X05; Onderstepoort; 0110. Please confirm the closing time as two closing times were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Proofreading Taq DNA polymerase master mix 200 reactions = 1000 reactions total hot start. Scope: Proofreading DNA polymerase, 3" to 5" exonuclease (proofreading) activity. Green Taq, Master mix. Presence of a proofreading enzyme to repair DNA mismatches. Reaction Format: SuperMix or Master Mix, Optional: Green Taq. Qty: 05. Address: ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute (ARC-OVI); 100 Old Soutpan Road (M35); Private Bag X05; Onderstepoort; 0110. Please confirm the closing time as two closing times were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of grease for Transnet Port Terminals in Richards Bay. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Consumables. Specifications: - 5 x PCR Master Mix, 2ml Master Mix should be optimized ready to-use solution containing Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, KCI and stabilizers. It is ideally suited to routine PCR applications from templates including pure DNA and cDNA products. genomic DNA or up to 5 kb from lambda DNA. Required at: 101 Old Soutpan Road, Onderstepoordt, Pretoria, 0001. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Consumables. Specifications: - dNTP set, dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP per kit at 100mm x 1. Required at: 101 Old Soutpan Road, Onderstepoordt, Pretoria, 0001. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Consumables. Specifications: - PCR Grade Water, 10ml, Highly pure, RNase, DNase, and protease-free water. The water does not contain detectable amounts of nucleic acid x 10. Required at: 101 Old Soutpan Road, Onderstepoordt, Pretoria, 0001. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS