Tenders are hereby invited from service providers for the appointment for the supply and delivery of water reticulation items from date of appointment ending 30 June 2024. (Тендер №78242271ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 78242271
Дата публикации: 20-02-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Re-Advertisement: UMzimkhulu Municipality hereby invites reputable and experienced service providers to respond to the following: Construction of Umzimkhulu landfill site. Please confirm the contract number as two contract numbers were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Provision of nitrogen generator at the PetroSA GTL Refinery in Mossel Bay. A nitrogen generator is required to meet nitrogen supply requirements. The nitrogen will be distributed through the low-pressure distribution header to all nitrogen users. The nitrogen generator will use compressed dry air supplied from a centrifugal air compressor. From the compressor the air goes through an air receiver and then to a drier which removes moisture and produces dry air with a dew point of 0 to -25°C. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Lab chemicals and equipment (ARC-ITSC) Addo. Specifications: 1. 0.1562N Sodium hydroxide, liquid, 2.5L bottles x 6; 2. 10N Sodium hydroxide, liquid, 1L bottle x 1; 3. Distilled water, 25L x 2; 4. Schott bottle 100ml x 2; 5. Schott bottle 500ml x 2; 6. Schott bottle 1000ml x 2; 7. Schott bottle 2000ml x 2; 8. Petri dishes, 60mm diameter, plastic x 500; 9. Petri dishes, 100mm diameter, plastic x 500; 10. Filter paper, 100mm diameter, packet x 10; 11. Autoclave gloves x 1; 12. Autoclave tape x 1; 13. Microscope cover slips, 20mm x 20mm, boxes x 10; 14. PEG, average mol weight 8000, powder, 500g x 1; 15. MS basal medium, powder, 10L x 1; 16. MES monohydrate buffer, mol weight 213.25, powder, 25g x 1; 17. Precision pin tweezer, sharp point x 2; 18. Delivery to Addo, Eastern Cape x 1. Delivery address: Name of institute: Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops ARC-ITSC, Addo Research Farm, Barkley Bridge Road, Addo, 6105. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited from prospective bidders for the following: supply and letting for South African Social Security Agency Office accommodation to Indwe Local Office over a period of sixty (60) months. Scope: supply and letting 400 - 600m² SASSA office accommodation to Indwe Local Offices over a period of 60 months. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of panel of labour-attorneys for a period of three years. Scope of works: The legal service providers must be qualified to offer the following legal services: • Handling grievances and disciplinary enquiries of all employees including directors and executives and acting as initiators/prosecutors at hearings; • Handling and presiding over grievances and disciplinary enquiries of all employees including directors and executives and acting as Chairpersons at hearings; • Conducting forensic investigations in the workplace and advising on corporate governance; • Provision of general labour related advice, legal opinions or related services as and when required; • Advise on changing employment law legislation and its potential risk and impact (e.g. BCEA, LRA and Employment Equity Act etc.) as well as workplace discipline and counselling; • Represent and defend the employer at conciliations, arbitrations, mediations, CCMA, Amanzi Bargaining Council procedures, Labour Court, Labour Appeal court, supreme courts and other forums for labour disputes; • Dealing with dismissals for misconduct, incapacity and operational requirements; • Provision of employment law training as and when required; • Attending to Litigation relating to employment Law matters; • Ensure compliance with statutory reporting procedures and drafting of relevant labour related documentation including but not limited to employment contracts, disciplinary codes, grievance procedures and collective agreements; • Advise on strikes, collective bargaining, restructuring, disputes over the interpretation and application of collective agreements, litigation in all labour tribunals and courts; • Advise on the law relating to retirement funding, pension funds, medical aid funding; • Providing opinions, drafting and interpretation of executive incentive schemes. Place where goods, works or services are required: Corner South, Central Arterial and Battery Bank - Alton - Richards Bay - 3900. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of potting shed building material. Specifications: 1. PPC cement: 42.5 N, 50kg/bag x 14; 2. Structural Roof beams = S5: 50mm x 228mm x 6m x 14; 3. Roof Beams: 20 x S5 - Structural Purline: 50mm x 75mm x 6 x 20; 4. IBR roof sheeting - 0.5mm x 0.85m x 6.6m x 64; 5. IBR polycarb clear roof sheeting -0.5mm x 0.85m x 6.6m x 50. Delivery address: Name of institute: Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops Masia Community Centre, Residential address: Stand number 277, Masia Tshikwarani, 0944. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS