Bids are invited for the following: Upgrading of Tweefontein K Waste Water Treatment Works, Phase 2, water and sewer reticulation work package 1. (Тендер №78625697ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 78625697
Дата публикации: 26-02-2023


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Sedibeng TVET College (SEDCOL) in collaboration with the Purchasing the Consortium Southern Africa (PURCO SA) hereby invites experienced service providers for the following: Appointment of the contractor for the supply and installation of one (1) steel water storage tanks Heidelberg Campuses - Sedibeng TVET College. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Sedibeng TVET College (SEDCOL) in collaboration with the Purchasing the Consortium Southern Africa (PURCO SA) hereby invites experienced service providers for the following: Appointment of the contractor for the supply and installation of two (2) steel water storage tanks Vereeniging Campus - Sedibeng TVET College. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Sedibeng TVET College (SEDCOL) in collaboration with the Purchasing the Consortium Southern Africa (PURCO SA) hereby invites experienced service providers for the following: Appointment of the contractor for the supply and installation of two (2) steel water storage tanks at Vanderbijlpark Campus - Sedibeng TVET College. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Sedibeng TVET College (SEDCOL) in collaboration with the Purchasing the Consortium Southern Africa (PURCO SA) hereby invites experienced service providers for the following: Appointment of the contractor for the supply and installation of two (2) new steel water storage tanks at Sebokeng Campus - Sedibeng TVET College Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Sedibeng TVET College (SEDCOL) in collaboration with the Purchasing the Consortium Southern Africa (PURCO SA) hereby invites experienced service providers for the following: Appointment of the contractor for renovations and refurbishments of ablutions at Sebokeng Campus - Sedibeng TVET College. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Ecorys invites suitable individuals to submit tenders for the position of a Supply Chain Management Technical Expert for the Mpumalanga Provincial Treasury, for the Infrastructure and Knowledge Management (PINK) Capacity Development Programme, for further rollout of the programme. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS