Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Disaster Recovery Solution, DR Server Hosting and RedStor Attix 5 Licence for the period of six (06) months for the South African Tourism. Please confirm the closing date. (Тендер №80228426ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 80228426
Дата публикации: 15-03-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Follow up alien clearing on Erf 3627 in Hornlee - Total m² = 24 618. Specifications: • Immediate clearing and herbicide application to all stumps of alien invasive plants; • Evidence of dye on all stumps that require herbicide; • Appropriate cutting techniques i.e. stumps should be cut no higher than ankle height; • Neatly stacked branches in horizontal stacks along the contour of the slope not more than 1.5meters high; • Removal of all green waste including reeds, branches etc from the river to the Green dump site at Old Place at contractors own cost; • Provision of appropriate tools and equipment for team members; • Provision of an appropriate team size i.e. not less than 8 people; • Provision of appropriate PPE; • All litter to be removed from the site; • Ensuring that no fires are made on site; • The removal of all litter from the site. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Follow up alien clearing on Erf 3627 in Hornlee - Total m² = 24 618. Specifications: • Immediate clearing and herbicide application to all stumps of alien invasive plants; • Evidence of dye on all stumps that require herbicide; • Appropriate cutting techniques i.e. stumps should be cut no higher than ankle height; • Neatly stacked branches in horizontal stacks along the contour of the slope not more than 1.5meters high; • Removal of all green waste including reeds, branches etc from the river to the Green dump site at Old Place at contractors own cost; • Provision of appropriate tools and equipment for team members; • Provision of an appropriate team size i.e. not less than 8 people; • Provision of appropriate PPE; • All litter to be removed from the site; • Ensuring that no fires are made on site; • The removal of all litter from the site. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Follow up alien clearing on Erf 3627 in Hornlee - Total m² = 24 618. Specifications: • Immediate clearing and herbicide application to all stumps of alien invasive plants; • Evidence of dye on all stumps that require herbicide; • Appropriate cutting techniques i.e. stumps should be cut no higher than ankle height; • Neatly stacked branches in horizontal stacks along the contour of the slope not more than 1.5meters high; • Removal of all green waste including reeds, branches etc from the river to the Green dump site at Old Place at contractors own cost; • Provision of appropriate tools and equipment for team members; • Provision of an appropriate team size i.e. not less than 8 people; • Provision of appropriate PPE; • All litter to be removed from the site; • Ensuring that no fires are made on site; • The removal of all litter from the site. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Follow up alien clearing on Erf 3627 in Hornlee - Total m² = 24 618. Specifications: • Immediate clearing and herbicide application to all stumps of alien invasive plants; • Evidence of dye on all stumps that require herbicide; • Appropriate cutting techniques i.e. stumps should be cut no higher than ankle height; • Neatly stacked branches in horizontal stacks along the contour of the slope not more than 1.5meters high; • Removal of all green waste including reeds, branches etc from the river to the Green dump site at Old Place at contractors own cost; • Provision of appropriate tools and equipment for team members; • Provision of an appropriate team size i.e. not less than 8 people; • Provision of appropriate PPE; • All litter to be removed from the site; • Ensuring that no fires are made on site; • The removal of all litter from the site. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Disaster Recovery Solution, DR Server Hosting and RedStor Attix 5 Licence for the period of six (06) months for the South African Tourism. Please confirm the closing date. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Disaster Recovery Solution, DR Server Hosting and RedStor Attix 5 Licence for the period of six (06) months for the South African Tourism. Please confirm the closing date. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS