Bids are hereby invited for the following: Installation of 2 x 20KL elevated steel water tanks. The place where goods, work or service required: KwaMsane Clinic/Mtubathuba Clinic/Sipho Zungu Clinic. (Тендер №81165188ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 81165188
Дата публикации: 28-03-2023


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uMshwathi Municipality invites prospective supplier to submit quotation for the service provider to supply and install ten (10) lightning conductors in the Umshwathi Area. Scope of work: 10 x Air termination rod: • 1m galvanised 16mm mild steel; • Secured firmly to top of lightning conductor. 10 x Down conductors: • 3m x 80mm nominal bore pipe; • 6m x 65mm nominal bore pipe; • 6m x 50mm nominal bore pipe; • 6m x 40mm nominal bore pipe; • Down conductor shall be securely connected to each other with high tensile galvanised bolts and nuts with a machined guide bush; • Down conductor to be erected with swivel base constructed from 100mm x 50mm x 2m galvanised channel iron. 10 x Earth termination rod: • An earth resistivity test shall be conducted in order to determine how many earth termination rods are required; • 16mm x 1.2m copper coated SABS approved earth rods; • Connected firmly to the down conductor by means of self-threading bolt and brass earth clamp; • 10mm earth wire to be used for connection between down conductor and earth termination rods. Delivery Address: Main Office; Opposite Police Station; New Hanover; 3230. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Kalmar spares to Durban Container Terminal Pier 2. Specifications: - Sensor; - Pin; - Shaft, - Cable communication, - Relay control, - Camera-record video. Please confirm the contract number as two contract numbers were published. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply A4 PHC head count register, version 2023, Quantity: 120 registers. Required at: Nkonjeni Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply Heart Plus NT 180 AED electro pads, adult and paeds, Quantity: 48 packs. Specifications: - Heart Plus NT 180 AED electro pads, adult, 10 in a pack x 24 packs; - Heart Plus NT 180 AED electro pads, paeds, 10 in a pack x 24 packs. Required at: Nkonjeni Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Repairs to transmission on 8TF20 for Transnet Soc Ltd (operating as Transnet Port Terminals) at the Port of Richards Bay. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Installation of 3 x 20KL elevated steel water tanks. The place where goods, work or service required: Madwaleni Clinic/Nkundusi Clinic/Hlabisa Gateway Clinic. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS