Re-advertisement: Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Installation, implementation, operation, support and maintenance of an advance traffic contravention management system with revenue enhancement process for a period of 36 months. Scope of work: The Service Provider must, but not be limited to: - Supply at least three (3) mobile digital speed cameras. This equipment must at all times be approved by the South African National Standards (SANS) and the Technical Committee for the Standards and Procedures for Traffic Law Enforcement Equipment (TCSP); - At all times be responsible for the prompt maintenance, repair and calibration of all equipment irrespective whether it’s Magareng Municipality’s equipment or not at the cost of the Service Provider; - Promptly issue calibration certificates for equipment as prescribed in terms of the TCSP guidelines, currently 6 monthly; - Train all Traffic Officers as operators to operate supplied equipment and issue operator certificates to such Traffic Officers, at the cost of the Service Provider; - Provide regular refresher training sessions to all operators; - Supply Magareng Municipality with the latest technological equipment and update it from time to time as advancements are made; - Be responsible for any damages sustained to Municipal or private property during such installation; - Be responsible for the cost of issuing a Land Surveyor certificates as prescribed in the TCSP guidelines for the scope alignment of mobile camera; - Be responsible for the serving of section 54 summonses and the execution of warrants of arrests with due consideration for relevant legislation which regulates these functions. It is the responsibility of the service provider to ensure that it meets the National Prosecuting Authority’s requirements regarding serving of summonses as well as the execution of warrants of arrest; - Provide an expert to testify in court when needed about technical issues with regards to the technical operation of the cameras; - Supply Magareng Municipality with evidence of each offence in full compliance with the TCSP guidelines in digital form with all the required infringement information for the whole period of the agreement; - Be knowledgeable of the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act, 46 of 1998 (AARTO) and law enforcement by means of cameras, and it must be in line with the said act when it is implemented in the Western Cape Province; - Be able to provide sufficient insurance cover against vandalism, damage or losses of equipment at his/her expenses; - Assure up-time of camera equipment with short repair, maintenance and calibration turnaround-time of between twelve (12) to twenty four (24) hours. The cost of the maintenance, calibration and repair will be for the expense of the Service Provider; - Operate the traffic contravention System independently from Magareng Municipality’s I.T. Network; - Be responsible for the whole function of the postage of all notices to the offender; - Be responsible to provide office space to perform its functions for the duration of the agreement; - Be responsible to activate all payment channels with financial institutions and other institutions e.g. post office, easy pay etc; - At its own cost, ensure the provision of an acceptable backup system; - The successful service provider will be given access to eNaTIS in order for processing. (Тендер №81494935ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 81494935
Дата публикации: 04-04-2023


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