Extension of Closing Date: Thabazimbi Local Municipality hereby invites suitable service providers to submit bids for the following: Appointment of a Panel of Various Professional Services providers for Infrastructure Project for the period of three years. (Тендер №83206518ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 83206518
Дата публикации: 28-04-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Tender for 1 no. Second-hand 3,500kg GVW 7 seated welfare unit Источник: ETenders

Provision of Civil and Structural Consultancy Services for Halla Mór at Desmond Hall & Great Hall, Newcastle West, Co Limerick Источник: ETenders

PEACE IV - Addressing Manifestations Randalstown Viaduct Lighting Источник: ETenders

Small Works under (15k) 2023 Источник: ETenders

Mechanical Services Remedial and Additional Works Источник: ETenders

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of outsourced payroll services for a period of 12 months. Scope: The service provider is expected to perform all payroll related functions including but not limited to: • Run payroll backups; • Roll forward payroll file; • Timely and accurate preparation of payroll on SAGE VIP premier. This includes: • Download, verification and processing of claims (Travel KMs, Subsistence and reimbursements) and the supporting documents on ESS; • Processing of new and terminated employees; • Processing of bonuses, allowances, leave payouts and increases as applicable (a bonus payout is anticipated during at least one month of the engagement, and a minimal amount of increases are expected); • Processing of deductions; • Generation of payslips on ESS; • Resolving all queries related to the payroll; • Preparation of a summary indicating all payroll changes, for executive review and approval; • Timely completion of accurate monthly statutory submissions (SARS declaration) and Third-party payments; • Timely completion of accurate Interim and annual SARS submissions; • Timely completion of accurate monthly salaries account reconciliations, including staff debtors; • Maintaining all filing related to the payroll process as per the established filing system. The Service Provider must conduct these activities in alignment with the EWSETA payroll calendar (pay day falls on the 25th of each month or the last working day before the 25th, except for December, when pay day falls on the 15th). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS