Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Medical equipment, accessories & supplies: Supply of solution, antiseptic wound cleaner, 125ml, qty: 108 each. Specifications: Solution: - Type: Antiseptic wound cleaner; - Size: 125ml; - Unit of package: 24 per box; - Standard: Dettol, Savlon or equivalent. Delivery date: 2023/05/30. Delivery to: Electricity - Ndabeni Red 1 Plant. Delivery address: 25 Melck Street, Ndabeni. Please note that this quotation was published late. (Тендер №83849806ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 83849806
Дата публикации: 10-05-2023


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and installation of Trellis security gates for Hopefield Thusong Service Centre. Scope: - Removing existing safety gates for the installation of new Trellis safety gates and making good, - Supply and install the following securest trellis safety gates including all fittings, brackets, locks and fixtures, or equally approved, - Trellidor 2020x860. Delivery address: 11 Dwarsweg street, Hopefield, 7355. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of freezer jacket. Specifications: 1. Freezer Jackets – XX-Large x 5; 2. Freezer Jackets – Medium x 2. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Supply of the following: • Applied Biosystem 9700 PCR machine SN: 805S1140117, Supplier must be SANAS accredited, Calibration of Thermocycler at 4 points (37, 50, 60 & 95 degrees); • Applied Biosystem 9700 PCR machine SN: 805S1140118, Supplier must be SANAS accredited, Calibration of Thermocycler at 4 points (37, 50, 60 & 95 degrees); • Applied Biosystem 9700 PCR machine SN: 805S5030716, Supplier must be SANAS accredited, Calibration of Thermocycler at 4 points (37, 50, 60 & 95 degrees; • Applied Biosystem 9700 PCR machine SN: 805S1060811, Supplier must be SANAS accredited, Calibration of Thermocycler at 4 points (37, 50, 60 & 95 degrees); • Eppendorf Gradient PCR machine SN: 007524 Supplier must be SANAS accredited, Calibration of Thermocycler at 4 points (37, 50, 60 & 95 degrees); • Applied Biosystem Veriti 96-well Thermal Cycler SN: 2990232, Supplier must be SANAS accredited, Calibration of Thermocycler at 4 points (37, 50, 60 & 95 degrees); • Applied Biosystem Veriti 96-well Thermal Cycler SN: 2990212, Supplier must be SANAS accredited, Calibration of Thermocycler at 4 points (37, 50, 60 & 95 degrees). Delivery Address: ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute (ARC-OVI), 100 Old Soutpan Road (M35), Private Bag X05, Onderstepoort, 0110. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and Delivery of Cooling Tower Fan Blade and Hub Assembly. Specification: 1. KSF - 700 Fan blade; 2. It is made with Fibre glass; 3. 24mm diameter of shaft; 4. It’s got 4 blades. Qty: 01. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Construction Industry Development Board invites tenders for the appointment of a service provider to render landscaping services at the Northwest Office, CIDB (Mafikeng). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Survey: homeless people/street kids for Hopfield, Vredenburg and Paternoster. The Saldanha Bay Municipality is awaiting quotations from service providers to perform the occupational surveys in collaboration with the OHS Practitioner and the SBM SHER manager. The aim of this survey will be to conduct the following OHS Survey. Homeless Person Survey/Street kids 2022/2023: An individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence, meaning: a) An individual or family with a primary night-time residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, including a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground; b) An individual or family living in a supervised publicly or privately-operated shelter designated to provide temporary living arrangements (including congregate shelters, transitional housing, and hotels and motels paid for by charitable organizations state, or local government programs for low-income individuals); c) An individual who is exiting an institution where he or she resided for 90 days or less and who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation; d) Number of safety shelters in the SBM area or possible site (registered and non-registered); e) Number of Rehabilitation centres in the SBM area (registered and non-registered) or possible sites. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS