Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Provision of services for Integrated Management System (IMS) for Certification Audit at Transnet National Ports Authority for a period of 3 years (36 months). Scope of work: The proposed IMS Certification Audit is therefore aimed at: • Conducting a full system certification audit, that includes Stage 1 and 2, to verify conformance and the effectiveness of the integrated management system implemented in accordance with ISO 20000-1:2018, ISO 22301:2019 and ISO 31000:2018 for TNPA requirements; • Ascertaining the extent to which TNPA operations within each business unit comply currently with applicable system requirements; • Reviewing TNPA Integrated Management System and Compliance Obligations, including internal policies; • Highlighting instances of non-compliance and specifying the exact requirements that are not complied to; • Identifying short-comings and gaps in the system for each business; • Suggesting corrective measures or providing recommendations at each business; • Recommending and/or proposing measures that must be taken to ensure system compliance; • Recommending the company for Certification, where compliance is satisfactory; • Compilation of comprehensive reports of TNPA detailing the findings and recommendations of the entire audit. (Тендер №83941070ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 83941070
Дата публикации: 12-05-2023


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