Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Safety related equipment: A4 mixed paper self adhesive decal. Description: • 70 Each x A4 mixed paper self adhesive decal; • 250 Each x A4 white paper self adhesive decal; • 50 Each x A4 cardboard self adhesive decal. Specifications: • A4 mixed paper (blue background) self-adhesive vinyl sticker for recycling bin as per artwork provided, Material: Gloss Vinyl Guillotine cut, Size: 300mm x 210mm, Full colour - single-sided Film, Thickness: minimum 50 microns, Only screen printing decals will be accepted. The screen print must be guaranteed in writing for 1 year. Stickers must be durable, UV protected, water resistant and able to withstand adverse weather conditions. The graphics will comprise of no more than 8 colours. The backing paper must be pre-cut (crack and peel) for ease of removal, The stickers should be bulk packed per colour in boxes or similar suitable packaging. The City of Cape Town"s Waste Minimization Unit will approve a production sample before the complete print job can go ahead; • A4 white paper (green background) self adhesive vinyl sticker for recycling bin as per artwork provided, Material: Gloss Vinyl Guillotine cut, Size: 300mm x 210mm, Full colour - single-sided Film, Thickness: minimum 50 microns, Only screen printing decals will be accepted. The screen print must be guaranteed in writing for 1 year. Stickers must be durable, UV protected, water resistant and able to withstand adverse weather conditions. The graphics will comprise of no more than 8 colours. The backing paper must be pre-cut (crack and peel) for ease of removal, The stickers should be bulk packed per colour in boxes or similar suitable packaging. The City of Cape Town"s Waste Minimization Unit will approve a production sample before the complete print job can go ahead; • A4 Cardboard (yellow background) self adhesive vinyl sticker for recycling bin as per artwork provided, Material: Gloss Vinyl Guillotine cut, Size: 300mm x 210mm, Full colour - single-sided Film, Thickness: minimum 50 microns, Only screen printing decals will be accepted. The screen print must be guaranteed in writing for 1 year. Stickers must be durable, UV protected, water resistant and able to withstand adverse weather conditions. The graphics will comprise of no more than 8 colours. The backing paper must be pre-cut (crack and peel) for ease of removal, The stickers should be bulk packed per colour in boxes or similar suitable packaging. The City of Cape Town"s Waste Minimization Unit will approve a production sample before the complete print job can go ahead. Delivery Date: 2023/05/31, Delivery to TW - Solid Waste TSSW, Delivery Address: NS Depo Urban Waste Management, Collection, Woodstock. (Тендер №83941081ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 83941081
Дата публикации: 12-05-2023


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