Re-Advertisement: uShaka Marine World hereby invites eligible and accredited service providers to submit a written quotation for the following: Service and Maintenance Contract for Lince 90 C, Currency Coin Sorting and Counting Machine. Specifications: A. The agreement must include the supply and fitment of parts as per manufacturer specifications which must be covered by the monthly premium for the duration of the contract; B. All service and maintenance must be carried out on the premises at uShaka Marine World as per manufacturer specifications which must be covered by the monthly premium for the duration of the contract; C. The agreement must include corrective and preventative maintenance of the machine as per manufacturer specifications which must be covered by the monthly premium for the duration of the contract; D. The agreement must include travel to the premises and labour which must be covered by the monthly premium for the duration of the contract; E. uShaka Marine World will require a response time of 24 hours or less to attend to any malfunctions or breakdowns with the Lince 90c currency coin sorter machine; F. The agreement must include software related upgrades as per manufacturer specifications or as per changes to the South African Currency which must be covered by the monthly premium for the duration of the contract at no additional charges; G. The agreement must cover systems changes and integration in-line with the operating model and these system changes must be covered by the monthly premium for the duration of the contract; H. The agreement must cover us for working days only and should exclude weekends and public holidays; I. The price/premium is required to be fixed for the duration of agreement of 12 months. Please note that this quotation was published late. (Тендер №84224013ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 84224013
Дата публикации: 16-05-2023


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