Addendum: Extension of Closing Date: The Development Bank of Southern Africa Limited (DBSA) invites tenders for turnkey contractor for construction of 176 low cost housing units in KwaZulu Natal and 7 low cost housing units in Eastern Cape. Specifications: The Works to be carried out by the Contractor under this Contract comprise mainly the following: Design, Construction Monitoring and Close Out: Provision of Design, Construction Monitoring and Close Out Services. Foundation: Construction of platform including site clearance, excavation, compaction, testing, soil poisoning disposal of unsuitable material; Supply and lay G5 fill material including compaction and testing; Construction of reinforced concrete raft foundation including formwork and damp proof membrane; Construction of reinforced concrete strip footing foundation including formwork, damp proof membrane, foundation blockwork and 100 mm thick surface bed. Superstructure: Construction of blockwork wall from foundation to wallplate with and including gable ends, beam filling, plastering, painting, etc; Installation of window and door frames complete with windows, doors and glazing; Installation of sanitary ware complete with necessary plumbing and drainage. Roof: Design, supply and install prefabricated timber trusses complete with wall plate to receive concrete roof tiles; Supply, installation, fixing of concrete roof tiles; Supply and installation of fascia and barge boards; Supply and installation of pvc rainwater goods including 2500 litres water tank complete with stand and taps; Supply and installation of ceilings complete with brandering and cornice. Completion: Construction of 30 mm screed; Supply and install 150 x 150 mm back splash ceramic tiles. External Works: Construction of 1 m mesh reinforced concrete aprons around the house. The contract duration is eight (8) months. Please note that this tender was published late. (Тендер №84898405ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 84898405
Дата публикации: 26-05-2023


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