Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a panel of audit firms to provide project inspection services in provinces for the National Lotteries Commission for a period of 12 months. The successful service provider(s) will be required to deploy resources to travel to project sites across various provinces as assigned by the NLC. The successful service provider will be given data collection tools (excluding ICT hardware) for the task and will also have an opportunity to make inputs for improvement. The scope of work will entail the following: - Conduct pre-adjudication site visit for the projects that are compliant with the NLCs grant funding administrative requirements and are being considered for adjudication; - Confirmation of organisation and project physical address; - Confirmation and verification of management, executives and directors listed on the application forms and organisation founding documents; - Confirmation and verification of project activity and / or existence; - Check key staff, management and director knowledge of the project applied for as well as organisation objectives; - Check if the stakeholders, e.g., community is aware of the project and organisation; - Check organisation capacity to deliver the project and run the organisation; - Check the availability of administrative systems and policies necessary to run an organisation and account for the funds; - Verify and confirm banking details and bank signatories; - Collection of supporting documentation/evidence. (Тендер №86973136ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 86973136
Дата публикации: 05-07-2023


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