Proposals are hereby invited for the following: provision of private security services. Scope: The provision of private security services that are aimed at ensuring the effective mitigation of security risks and threats that PRASA is confronted with. The provision of private security will be focused on the mitigation of security risks and threats in the following areas: • Infrastructure (OHTE, Signals and Perway); • Mission Critical Assets (Nerve Centres, Substations, Relay Rooms and High Sites); • Depots and Staging Yards; • Stations including the precincts with bus terminals; • Facilities at Supercore Stations where there are tenants; • Onboard Security in Urban and Long-distance trains; • Escort Duties; • Armed Response (Crew); • Armed Guards for identified high risk areas; • Security Surveillance and Reconnaissance for asset protection; • Business Intelligence Operations; • Risk profiling of sites and hot spot areas; • Surveys (Aerial Photos) and; • Utilization of Special Operations for tactical air support; • Infrastructure Visual Inspection for OHTE, Overhead Fibre Cable, GSM-R, Maspoles, Perway and Bridges; • Any other security duties that the service provider may be called on to do as informed from time to time. PRASA Seeks to appoint services providers as follows: 1) Gauteng East (Metrorail, MLPS and PRASA CRES); 2) Gauteng West (Metrorail, MLPS and PRASA CRES); 3) Gauteng North (Metrorail, MLPS and PRASA CRES); 4) Western Cape (Metrorail, MLPS and PRASA CRES); 5) KwaZulu-Natal (Metrorail, MLPS and PRASA CRES); 6) Eastern Cape (Metrorail, MLPS and PRASA CRES); 7) Mainline Passenger Services (Northern Cape, Bloemfontein, North West, Mpumalanga, Limpopo). (Тендер №87106796ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 87106796
Дата публикации: 07-07-2023


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