Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Recreational Equipment: Recreational Items: Various Items: ECD Equipment: Ward 50, 51, 52, 53: - 70 each x Felt hand puppets 10 pack set. Includes: - Pack of 10 felt hand puppets in assorted colours, Age: 3 Years +, Item size: 28 x 28 x 2 cm, Puppet size: 27 x 26 cm - 70 each x Careers 10 piece Finger A set of 10 hand puppets showing 10 different professions/careers. Includes: Artist, farmer, fire fighter, chef, doctor, and police officer, school crossing warden, nurse, teacher and postie, - 210 each x Pop stick Puppets EVA pieces, wooden pop sticks, a pom poms and googley eyes. Makes 3 puppets: A bunny, a cat and a dog. Just follow the easy systematic instructions on the back of the pack, - 70 each x Shadow Theater Fairy Tale Flashlight Story Set. The flashlight projector portrays stories when using the story discs and other elements included, - 70 each x 1st Reading Flash Cards. This title features the Letter land alphabet in both capital and lower case letters, on 65 double-sided cards with plain letters on the reverse. There are clear instructions for multiple uses and game ideas. Size of 65 cards is 82 x 127mm/3.2 x 5, - 70 each x Storage Bag Pull Up String, Material: 210 Polyester, Size: Diameter 150 cm, Colour: Blue, Green, Pink, Package included: 1 x Storage. Delivery Date: 2023/10/10. Delivery To: CS - Social & Development, CSSD. Delivery Address:1st Floor CCT SD & ECD office, Bloemhof Building, 112 Edward Street. (Тендер №88341016ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 88341016
Дата публикации: 31-07-2023


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Develop a Corporate Identity Document. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The CDC is inviting capable, experienced, and competent Professional Service Providers (PSP) to submit Proposals as Consortia/Joint Ventures (JVs) or as Multidisciplinary entities for the provision professional consulting services in Chris Hani District and Alfred Nzo District: Sterkstroom 1214 rectification (500), Location: Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality - Chris Hani District Municipality. Scope of work: - Planning, design, procurement, contract administration, Inspections and close out. The services to be provided include the following: (a) Land investigation and base Map preparation; (b) Clarity on other Legislation to be used; (c) Quality assurance and ensuring compliance with set norms and standards applicable; (d) Conduct feasibility studies and produce a report with detailed cost estimates per site; (e) It is required of the engineer to conduct flood line assessment (i.e. 1:100 year Flood line) and indicate on base map as well as providing a report. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement of contract number: BID/MAIN ENTRANCE/CAPEX/2/2022: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider for construction of the main entrance. Scope of work: - The provision and completion of the main entrance at PACOFS; - Subsequent repairs must carry a warranty; - The service provider will be required to repair any defects within the warranty period at their own costs. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The CDC is inviting capable, experienced, and competent Professional Service Providers (PSP) to submit Proposals as Consortia/Joint Ventures (JVs) or as Multidisciplinary entities for the provision professional consulting services in Chris Hani District and Alfred Nzo District: Xhameni 100, Location: UMzimvubu Local Municipality- Alfred Nzo District. Scope of work: - Planning, design, procurement, contract administration, Inspections and close out. The services to be provided include the following: (a) Land investigation and base Map preparation; (b) Clarity on other Legislation to be used; (c) Quality assurance and ensuring compliance with set norms and standards applicable; (d) Conduct feasibility studies and produce a report with detailed cost estimates per site; (e) It is required of the engineer to conduct flood line assessment (i.e. 1:100 year Flood line) and indicate on base map as well as providing a report. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider for the supply and installation of invisible perimeter fencing. Scope of work: - The provision and completion of the invisible perimeter fencing at PACOFS. - Subsequent installation must carry a manufacturer’s warranty. - The service provider will be required to repair any defects as per provision of the form of contract. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Extension of Closing Date and Amendment to the Clarification Meeting Date: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery, and installation of 250 KVA diesel generator at TNPA Port of Ngqura for a once off period. Scope of work: 1. Supply, deliver and install 250kVA 3 phase, diesel driven generating set, in all weather sound attenuated canopy x 1 each; 2. Control panel/controller: According to specification x 1; 3. Automatic three phase changeover switch (with manual bypass) x 1 each; 4. 380VAC DB busbar kit (Circuit Breaker etc) x 1 each; 5. Fuel transfer pump (electrical onboard) x 1 each; 6. Factory acceptance test x 1; 7. Commissioning and handover x 1. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS