Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Repair and refurbishment of (2) two Bronto Skylift aerial platform high rise fire fighting specialist vehicle - Once off. Scope: - Assess condition of hydraulic ladder and associated components noting damages, defects and missing components with a view to making the said unit 100% functional through repairs, replacement or refurbishment of all affected components and fittings; - Assess condition of hydraulic ladder and components, paying attention to signs of metal fatigue, the level of corrosion present on all components and fittings, deterioration and high pressure hoses and condition of glide pads throughout the unit; - Assess condition of chassis cab for operational functionality, corrosion, defects and damages with a view to completely refurbish and respray the unit; - Conduct and provide the requisite certification for the following: (i) Visual and Operational Tests; (ii) Magnetic Particle Inspection; (iii) Ultrasonic Inspection; (iv) Acoustic Emission Test; (v) Load Test. (Тендер №88348097ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 88348097
Дата публикации: 31-07-2023


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Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a suitable Non-profit Organisation (NPO) to implement Women Socio-economic programmes to 60 vulnerable women at EThekwini (INK Area and Umlazi) and UMgungundlovu District within the Province of KwaZulu-Natal for a period of twenty four (24) months. Scope of work: 1. Provide a wide range of skills programmes to the identified women in EThekwinin and UMgungundlovu; 2. Provide basic entrepreneurship development programmes to the identified women following a skills audit assessment; 3. Identify functional and technical income generating ventures that the identified women can be trained on, following a skills audit assessment; 4. Provision of elementary skills development programmes for the identified women in the income generating ventures; 5. Organise the trained women to form formal enterprises (SMME or Cooperatives) in a manner prescribed by the Department; 6. Prepare the women and enterprises to graduate into commercially viable SMME / Cooperatives. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: KwaMashu Wastewater Treatment Works functional upgrade: Cleansing, Solid Waste, Water & Sanitation Units. Scope of Work: The scope of works is as follows: The safe rigging, removal and replacement, installation and commissioning of the following plant and equipment in line with best practice engineering standards, equipment data tables and particular specifications. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Catering services for Journeys of Sorrow, 8th-10th August 2023 x 70 pax. Due to the nature of the event, we do not need spicy, oily or salty food because we will be hosting the elderly who have health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, etc. Please bring cutlery, urn and table cloths. Scope: 08 August (Arrival at Cowley House/ Trauma Center – Chapel Street Woodstock) From 08h00 till 10h00. 1. Tea/Coffee: Assorted Sandwiches 70 Pax; • Chicken and Mayo (35 Brown bread and 35 White bread); • Tuna, Cucumber and Mayo (35 Brown bread and 35 White bread). 2. Assorted fruit platter to accommodate 70 pax: • Apple; • Grapes; • Strawberries; • Pine Apple; • Orange. Lunch 13h00: • Savoury Rice with mixed vegetables; • Greek Salad; • Roasted Potatoes; • Roasted Chicken; • Grilled Fish x 10 Pax; • 100% Juice; • Mineral water. Supper (to be served on Robben Island) 18h00: • Samp and beans (Umngqusho) x 70 Pax; • Tripe x 60 pax; • Vegetarian stew x 10 pax; • 100% Juice x 70 pax; • Tea/coffee x 70 pax. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Rental of TLB machine for 5 days. Scope: • TLB Day 1 x 1; • TLB Day 2 x 1; • TLB Day 3 x 1; • TLB Day 4 x 1; • TLB Day 5 x 1. Delivery Address: Supply Chain Management Unit, end of Betastraal, Alton, Richards Bay. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: • Item No. 1142; Gate valve copper Alloy 020mm non rising spindle female to female threaded, SANS776 approved x 200 each; • Item No. 1144; Gate valve copper Alloy 040mm non rising spindle female to female threaded, SANS776 approved x 100 each. Department: Midrand. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The CDC is inviting capable, experienced, and competent Professional Service Providers (PSP) to submit Proposals as Consortia/Joint Ventures (JVs) or as Multidisciplinary entities for the provision professional consulting services in Chris Hani District and Alfred Nzo District: Engcobo-Moshe 1500-300 (100), Location: Dr AB Xume Local Municipality- Chris Hani District Municipality. Scope of work: - Planning, design, procurement, contract administration, Inspections and close out. The services to be provided include the following: (a) Land investigation and base Map preparation; (b) Clarity on other Legislation to be used; (c) Quality assurance and ensuring compliance with set norms and standards applicable; (d) Conduct feasibility studies and produce a report with detailed cost estimates per site; (e) It is required of the engineer to conduct flood line assessment (i.e. 1:100 year Flood line) and indicate on base map as well as providing a report. Please confirm the contract number. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS