Re-Advertisement: The South African National Biodiversity Institute requires a professional service provider for the installation and 24-month maintenance of a 160kVA standby generator at the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in Cape Town. (Тендер №88489374ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 88489374
Дата публикации: 02-08-2023


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of media management and related services for Babanango Smart Skills Centre Launch. Scope of work: In order for bidder to be selected and appointed, bidders should have the following competences that will be assessed the CHIETA prior to appointment: • Experience in strategic marketing, brand, communication, digital and advertising, with expansive experience within the higher education sector; • Experience in usage of all marketing and communication tools including media strategy development and digital networks including social networks. • Project management experience and capability to deliver on a project within a deadline. • Proven track record in strategic and creative marketing services and in handling innovative activities. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited to appointment a service provider for a panel of catering services for a period of five (5) Months. Scope of work: - SEFA seek to appoint panel of catering service providers to provide catering services for a period of five (5) months. - The panel of catering service provider is expected to deliver catering service as and when required. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: supply and delivery of protective clothing (with logos) for unemployed agricultural, environmental and nature conservation graduates at 22 Bean Street, Templar Building Kimberley as per specifications. Required at 22 Bean Street, Templar Building Kimberley. Region: Frances Baard. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Procurement of Sage 200 Licence Renewal and Support Services. Scope: The service provider is requested to the following core modules are registered: • General Ledger; • Accounts Receivable; • Accounts Payable; • Contact Management Basic; • Inventory; • Order Entry; • Fixed Assets; • SDK Connector; • Report Writer; • Contact Management Premium; • GL Master/Sub Accounts; • GL Segmented Accounts; • Segmented Inventory; • SIC Standard; • Procurement; • SIC Report Designer; • Audit Tool; • Mobility. Delivery address for goods and/or services: Cape Town Offices: 11th floor of 33 Heerengracht Boulevard, Cape Town City Centre. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and install solar pole integrated LED street lights to the National Research Foundation in Brummeria, Pretoria. Specifications: 1. Ziya-1SP 8053N5312APOP-7M C160 with 6m and mounting height planted pole; 2. Ziya-1SP 8053N5312APOP-7M C160 with 8m mounting height/planted pole. The contract period for this bid contract is for the period of four (4) months. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Breede Valley Municipality invites quotations from suitably qualifying suppliers (service providers) for the following: Supply and delivery of electrical items. Specifications: 1. Lamp 70w NAV-E/I SON-E/I 4Y HPS Elliptical, qty: 500; 2. Tubes fluorescent 30w 3", qty: 100; 3. Lamps halogen 500w Osram/Philips, qty: 100; 4. Lamp halogen 150w QI 118mm Osram/Philips, qty: 100; 5. Lamp 1000w Vialox NAV-T (SON-T) E Osram/Philips, qty: 100; 6. Lamps mercury vapour 160w - 250v ES Osram/Philips, qty: 300; 7. Lamps 150w NAVE ES HP Sodium Osram/Philips, qty: 200. Delivery Address: 1 Mark Street, Worcester. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS