Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of supplier for supply and delivery of concrete aggregates (19 mm stones and sand) as required for the construction of the Tzaneen Dam. Scope: The work shall comprise the following: - The construction of a reinforced concrete labyrinth spillway on the lowered Spillway crest section to a new crest by 3 m high. - Raising of the concrete NOC tongue wall sections, - Changing the brickwork construction of the inlet works control house to allow impermeability for an additional 3 m water depth. - Raising the embankment by 2, 4 m high. - Revision of the energy dissipation measures to form an impact slab more suited to the discharge pattern of a labyrinth spillway. This work must be done without interfering with the day-to-day operation of the dam. The Bidder will be required to perform the following service as part of this contract: - Supply and delivery of Concrete aggregates (19 mm stones and Sand) for the duration of 12 months to Tzaneen dam raising Project. Please confirm the closing time. (Тендер №88947553ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 88947553
Дата публикации: 10-08-2023


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of 5 Fan motors for C6-7, motors R2. Scope: - EM50 Galvanised 380V, 1100w, single speed fan motors, Qty: 5; - Vertenergy, 0.55KW, 380 V, motor with gearbox, Qty: 2. Address: ARC-VIMP (formerly known as VOPI); R573 KwaMhlanga/Moloto Road; Roodeplaat; Pretoria. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Amendment to Closing Date: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, Delivery, and installation of Two (2) 18000 BTU Air conditioners. Specifications: - 18000 BTU Mid Wall Split Unit; - Heating and Cooling Function; - Digital Inverter Technology; - 12 Month Manufacturer Warranty; - Qty: 02. Delivery address: ARC Soil Climate and Water; 600 Belvedere Street; Arcadia; Pretoria. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and installation of geyser. Scope: - Electrical High Pressure Geyser 150L; - 600 kPa high pressure; - 2mm steel inner cylinder; - Dual mounting; - Product Weight: 3.9 kg; - Product Dimensions: 1,335mm (L) x 538mm (W) x 538mm (H). Qty: 03. Address: ARC-VIMP (formerly known as VOPI); R573 KwaMhlanga/Moloto Road; Roodeplaat; Pretoria. Please confirm the contract number as two contract numbers were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of goods related to dam safety – bouys wire rope clamp. Technical Specifications: All buoy’s shall have a rigid mooring eye / fixing point on the buoy with stainless steel insert with an inside diameter of not less than 15mm. All buoys have to be Orange in colour. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of supplier for supply and delivery of ready-mix concrete, bulk cement, cement bags, fly ash, stabilizing agent: bentonite as well as drilling and grouting as required for the construction of the Tzaneen Dam. Scope: The work shall comprise the following: - The construction of a reinforced concrete labyrinth spillway on the lowered Spillway crest section to a new crest by 3 m high. - Raising of the concrete NOC tongue wall sections. - Changing the brickwork construction of the inlet works control house to allow impermeability for an additional 3 m water depth. - Raising the embankment by 2, 4 m high. - Revision of the energy dissipation measures to form an impact slab more suited to the discharge pattern of a labyrinth spillway. This work must be done without interfering with the day-to-day operation of the dam. The Bidder will be required to perform the following service as part of this contract: - Supply and deliver of Ready-Mix Concrete to Tzaneen Dam raising project; - Supply and delivery of Bulk Cement; - Supply and delivery of Cement Bags; - Supply and delivery of fly ash; - Supply and deliver Stabilizing Agent: Bentonite; - Drilling and grouting. Please confirm the closing time. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of Closing Date: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of insulated hand tools - 1000VAC and 1500VDC. Specifications: - Insulated Adjustable Spanner; - Insulated Cable cutter; - Insulated Cable Knife; - Insulated Combination Pliers; - Insulated Extension Bar; - Insulated Hacksaw; - Insulated Hexagon Screwdriver; - Insulated junior hacksaw; - Insulated Long-nose Pliers; - Insulated Open End Spanner; - Single End Ring Spanner Ratchet; - Insulated Pozi Screwdriver; - Insulated Reversible ratchet; - Insulated Screwdriver, Flat; - Insulated Screwdriver, Phillips; - Insulated Side Cutter; - Insulated Single End Ring Spanner; - Insulated Socket; - Insulated Socket wrench screwdriver; - Tool kit bag; - Insulated Toolkit, 18 piece. Contract Period: From date of commencement of contract, not exceeding a period of 36 months. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS