Quotations are hereby invited for the following: appointment of a service provider to render a municipal spatial development framework within a period of eight (8) months, for Department of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development in Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, Mpumalanga province. Scope: The successful service provider(s) would be expected to undertake the following towards the development of the SDF: a) Conduct a status quo analysis which will entail but not limited to sectoral and spatial analysis, policy analysis and gap analysis of the 2015-2020 Thaba Chweu SDF; b) Draft a Spatial Vision for the SDF, in line with the Municipal Integrated Development Plan. The Spatial Vision will be subject to consultation with the municipality and various stakeholders; c) Develop spatial challenges, options and proposals for the municipality taking into cognizance the local circumstance, local policies, local economic challenges and development, provincial and national policies and strategies. The options must also consider government priority programs from all relevant spheres of government, such as the 9-Point Plan, Strategic Infrastructure Projects, One Plan etc. The envisaged outcome of this exercise is the development of Spatial Options that will inform the SDF and also highlight and identify visible changes, trends, and their opportunities, conflicts and tensions and how they can be addressed; d) Compile a Capital Expenditure Framework that is aligned to the proposals contained in the SDF; e) The SDF must also include an Implementation Plan with timelines and a detailed Capital Expenditure Framework that identifies the responsibilities for its implementation both within and outside the municipality; f) The service provider shall comply with all the requirements of Section 21 of SPLUMA and furnish TCLM with all the documents referred to in Section 21 of the document; g) Develop a stakeholder engagement plan for the various consultation processes with various stakeholders, including government, private sector and any other stakeholders throughout the lifespan of the project. The service provider should cater for additional unplanned meetings that may be required for the duration of the project. (Тендер №90043010ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 90043010
Дата публикации: 29-08-2023


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