Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of CI Manual Update 2023. Scope: SENTECH is looking for a service provider who will develop between 35 and 40 forms, with an average number of 15 pages per form, as well as between 20 and 25 templates, with an average number of 7 pages per template. The bidder must make allowance for development of new forms, where necessary (an allowance of 5 is acceptable). The service provider will be required to perform the following: Design a comprehensive CI manual spelling out: The rationale of the manual, SENTECH Mission, Vision, Values and Brand Positioning. The mediums will be used for Website, Mobile, QR Codes, Billboards, Online advertisement ADS and In-line video content for any video/broadcastings; • Develop templates and guidelines for the use of the visual identity; • The forms and templates must be branded with applicable SENTECH corporate logos and colours; • The forms must have drop down options (Word and PDF) where applicable; • The forms and templates must be interactive and downloadable of the SENTECH website and Intranet; • The forms must be named and numbered, as guided by SENTECH; - Design, edit and full colour print of the SENTECH Corporate Identity: • Provide 1 printed Manuals and a soft copy (PDF) to SENTECH; • Provide 30 Branded Crystal 64GB USBs to SENTECH with all contents of the Manual Automation of SENTECH Logo (as well as the open files). Place where goods, works or services are required: Sentech Octave Street - Radiokop - Johannesburg - 2040. (Тендер №90123332ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 90123332
Дата публикации: 30-08-2023


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