Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Supply of electrical connector assembly. Scope: - Type: clamp and plug, connector type: straight plug, contact quantity: none, mounting type: bayonet coupling; reference no: 310; catalogue: 026.648.330.500.000, ODU310.025.000.642.000, ODU, Qty: 08. Location of Service: Ngqura Container Terminal. (Тендер №90648005ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 90648005
Дата публикации: 08-09-2023


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Редуктор Источник: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Construction of New Majlis at Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Headquarter Источник: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Construction of New Majlis at Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Headquarter Источник: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a panel of service providers to manage, conduct, and/or review concept and feasibility studies for African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation (Soc) Ltd “AEMFC” for a period of three (3) years as and when required. Scope of Work (SOW) / Specification: 1. Concept Studies: a) Kick off meeting; b) Site visit(s); c) Review of available geological information, including but not limited to, the Exploration and/or Prospecting Works Programmes; d) Design and produce project plan including Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of Exploration and/or Prospecting Programme: time and cost schedule, risk assessment, implementation, execution, monitoring, control, and hand-over closure plan; e) Identify gaps on the information available and propose mitigation measures; f) Management of exploration and/or prospecting work: management of the geophysics, drilling contractors, stacking of holes, logging, and sampling including transportation of samples to the appointed laboratory; g) Data processing and data interpretation; h) Mineral resource modelling and compilation of a Competent Person Report (CPR) which is JORC or SAMREC Compliant; i) Close out meetings. 2. Feasibility Studies: a) Kick off meeting; b) Site visit(s); c) Data acquisition and interpretation; d) Design and produce project plan including Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of Exploration and/or Prospecting Programme: time and cost schedule, risk assessment, implementation, execution, monitoring, control, and hand-over closure plan; e) Conduct and/or review pre-feasibility study (ies): i) Review of geological models; ii) High-level sensitivity analysis of geological models conducted in the concept study(ies); iii) High-level market studies; iv) Prepare a Pre-Feasibility Study and/or Pre-Feasibility Review report; f) Conduct and /or review feasibility study(ies): i) Verify results of completed pre-feasibility study(ies) to determine whether the mineral project can be mined to generate a reasonable return on investment; ii) Verify all relevant legislative compliance requirements (e.g., prospecting and mining related permits, rights, and licences, etc); iii) Investigate short- and long-term markets for specific commodities; iv) Investigate legal, environmental, and social risks that may affect the project’s progress; v) Prepare a Feasibility Study and/or Feasibility Review report. g) Project progress meeting (s) and report(s); h) Close-out meeting; i) The report and any accompanying documentation must have an AEMFC logo with signature of the author. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS