Ngwathe Local Municipality is hereby inviting service providers to submit on the following: Rental of heavy duty vehicle (Hiring of TLB for 20 days) in Vredefort. (Тендер №90777584ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 90777584
Дата публикации: 11-09-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a competent training service provider to provide for NQF level 5 GRAP update unit standard ID: 119350 for twenty (20) officials of the Department of Transport Government Fleet Managements-Trading Entity. Scope: The appointed service provider is expected to: • Provide accredited NQF level 5 (SAQA unit standard ID: 119350) GRAP Update Training to twenty (20) officials; • Provide assessments to candidates in line with the requirements of the SAQA ID qualification; • Provide own training equipment. e.g., overhead projector, stationery; • Facilitation of the training will take place in East London, Eastern Cape at a venue provided by a service provider/bidder accommodating twenty (20) candidates; • Provide competency certificates after completion of training; • Provide training for a period of five (5) days. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby requested from service providers for the following: Supply and delivery of office stationery. Specifications: - 100 Page (Section 56) Summons Book (Quad Duplicate). Quantity: 100, - PVC File. Quantity: 200, - File Fastener (Box of 50). Quantity: 100, - File Divider (1 - 12). Quantity: 100, - A4 Paper Box. Quantity: 50, - Tippex 8ml. Quantity: 20, - Staples 26/6 (Box of 5000). Quantity: 10, - Sharpener Dual. Quantity: 10, - Pencil (Box of 12). Quantity: 10, - Manilla Folders 9266 100"s. Quantity: 20, - Board Files. Quantity: 100. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

The North-West University invites all specialist contractors with the relevant skills, experience, and resources to submit tenders for the following project on the Mahikeng Campus: Construction of new building to accommodate a venue for the VIP area at soccer institute, Mahikeng Campus. Work entails: the construction of a new two-story building adjacent to the existing pavilion and grandstand on the north-western corner of the soccer fields, including but not limited to supply and installation of all new finishes, services connections to existing infrastructure, minor landscaping, etc. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Ngwathe Local Municipality is hereby inviting service providers to submit on the following: Rental of heavy duty vehicle (Hiring of TLB for 20 days) in Parys. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement of Contract Number Tech-8/1/1/01: Molemole Local Municipality is inviting quotations from suitable service providers for the following: rehabilitative works at Sefoloko low level bridge in Molemole Municipality (Ramokgopa) as per specifications. Scope: • Earth works and concrete; • Gabions and stone pitching; • Miscellaneous works: - Align the existing guard rail including bolts and nuts; - Extend the existing guard rails on the eastern side; - Purchase and install treated round poles of length of 1,2m and diameter of 0,3m including bolts and nuts for fixing guard rail in place. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Ngwathe Local Municipality is hereby inviting service providers to submit on the following: Hiring of 1 (one) ton bakkie/van for 30 days, must be available for all units. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS