Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Metro ethernet connection/email hosting for 12 months. Metro ethernet antenna internet link and email hosting specifications: • ISP must have redundant links available to both Cape Town and Johannesburg. Specifications: • Uncontended, dedicated international bandwidth with no shaping, no throttling and no usage limits; • Contention ratio must be 1:1; • 20 Mbps metro ethernet Up and down load speed with (premium plus Addon) for 1 year subscription. • Free router + 100% guarantee + gold SLA; • Including warranty + insurance. Installation of metro ethernet link (once off cost). Please note that this quotation was published late. (Тендер №90913491ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 90913491
Дата публикации: 13-09-2023


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Bids are hereby invited for the following: Development of cell 3 of the Klerksdorp Land Fill Site. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of Waste sorting and recycling services (6 months). The Durban ICC requires the services of a duly experienced waste recycling contractor/service provider complying with applicable legislation, regulations and/or standards of practice. This service will consist of waste separation, sorting, weighing and recycling with the inclusion of staffing for the Durban ICC and Durban Exhibition Centre (DEC) for a period of 6 months. Scope of Work: • Durban ICC is SABS ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) certified and in-line with keeping up with international standards and ensuring environmental sustainability, an experienced waste recycling contractor/ service provider with traceable references is required to provide recycling services for the Durban ICC; • The service provider must separate, sort, weigh and recycle all waste from the Durban ICC and Durban Exhibition Centre (DEC); • Waste will be sorted at the designated Durban ICC and DEC waste separate sites and weighing can take place either onsite or offsite at the service providers recycling site; • Recycling of the following material categories will take place: - Paper; - Glass; - Cardboard; - Cans; - PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) - Hard Plastic; - Polystyrene; - Mixed plastic; - Cardboard Cores; - Other materials; • The service provider must provide quantified monthly reports for all recycled waste and for both the Durban ICC and DEC sites; • The service provider must provide quantified ad hoc reports for all recycled waste and for both the Durban ICC and DEC sites for certain events; • Recycling areas must be cleaned up thoroughly at the end of the shift. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to the Closing Date and Site Meeting: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Development of cell 3 of the Klerksdorp land fill site. Place where goods, works or services are required: Corner OR Tambo and Bram Fischer, Klerksdorp CBD, Klerksdorp, 2570. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver 400MM uPVC water pipes at Kanyamazane Wastewater Treatment Works. Specifications: uPVC & oPVC pipes SANS 16422. Supply and deliver the pipes at Kanyamazane Sewer Treatment Works uPVC Pipes-SABS 966-1. Rates shall include delivery on site: - 400 dia uPVC - class 20, qty: 384; - 400 dia uPVC - class 25, qty: 76; - 400 dia oPVC - class 20, qty: 384; - 400 dia oPVC - class 25, qty: 76. Item number: 3.1 3.1.1 LI. Payment reference: SABS 1200L. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Rand Water hereby invites suitable bidders as per Rand Water’s requirement to bid for the following: Supply, delivery and provision of the local area network cabling and maintenance services at Rand Water for a duration of five (5) years. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Amendment to Closing Date: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Ecosystem Outreach Access Points - Nkangala District. The services should include the following: • Business Information; • Counselling and advice; • Assessment and referral to district branch; • Management and monitoring of assessment plans and referral feedback; • Data capturing of small enterprises; • Clients’ registration (using forms to be provided by Seda); • Assisting SMMEs & Cooperatives with TREP applications; • Assisting SMMEs & Cooperatives with Business Plans to apply for Sefa funding. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS