Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Property management services for president place in Germiston (for residential rental and commercial units). Scope of work: The property managers will be expected to: - Be responsible for physical management and maintenance of President Place, managing both residential and commercial properties. - Conduct tenant sourcing, screening (including credit assessments) and placement; Be responsible for deposit management and maintenance of the deposits in accordance with applicable laws; - Conduct in and out inspections to the property at the commencement and termination of leases; - Responsible for billing and collections; - Undertake disbursements (creditor payments) relating to property management expenses; - Responsible for financial management, financial reporting and annual audits; - Prepare budgets for approval by the Trustees of the Body Corporate, acting on behalf of the NHFC; - Responsible for ensuring the property is adequately insured; - In charge of onsite management, communications and office administration support; - Provide advisory service to the Trustees and ensure appropriate legislation is adhered to; - Ensure that for routine maintenance of the property, suitably qualified and experienced service providers are appointed after a robust procurement process; and - To ensure that a planned maintenance programme is in place and to deliver on this plan and the plan is prepared in line with applicable legislation. (Тендер №91247915ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 91247915
Дата публикации: 25-09-2023


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