Formal written price quotations are invited for the following: West Bank Library Rafters, Carpets and Painting. Scope: 1. Replace all rotten 38 x 114mm rafters on the veranda and secure them to the wall. 2. Seal the roof on the veranda were it meets the roof. 3. Paint the compete library including roof, windows and doors. 4. Clean and repair the floor inside the library and lay down carpet tiles. 5. All calculations and measurements must be done by contractor. 6. Clean up premises. (Тендер №91571005ru)


Страна: ЮАР
Язык: EN
Номер: 91571005
Дата публикации: 04-10-2023


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Еще тендеры за этот срок

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: • Service provider to provide a high pressure sucker for water treatment plant. • The service provider must own the high pressure vacuum truck and attach the proof of ownership. • The service provider must provide a permit for transporting. Service Provider to provide transportation of hazardous substances. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Medical inventories. Please note that this quotation was published late. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Medical sundries / animal medicine. Please note that this quotation was published late. Please confirm the description as two descriptions were published. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Onderstepoort Biological Products invites service providers from suitably registered companies for the following tender: Procure the following list of chemicals: Thiourea CP [H2NC5NH2] 500G, Iron Chloride, Manganese chloride 4H2O, 2 Bromomethyl ammonium bromide. Please confirm the closing date. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Stationery & Office Accessories: - 15 each x Roll Le stat DC-Fix; - 40 each x roll brown kraft roll; - 6 each x ready sorter a-z kraft; - 12 each x desk calendar for 2024; - 3 each x grip bags 250mm x 36. Specifications: Supply and deliver: - Roll Le stat DC-Fix 70-micron 450mm x 10m: qty x 15, - Roll Brown Kraft roll: 480 x 2m: qty x 40, - Ready Sorter A-Z Kraft: qty x 6, - Desk calendar for 2024: qty x 12, - Grip bags, mini bags (pkt of 100): qty x 3. Supply and deliver: - Roll Le stat DC-Fix 70-micron 450mm x 10m: qty x 15, - Roll Brown Kraft roll: 480 x 2m: qty x 40, - Ready Sorter A-Z Kraft: qty x 6, - Desk calendar for 2024: qty x 12, - Grip bags, mini bags (pkt of 100): qty x 3. Supply and deliver: - Roll Le stat DC-Fix 70-micron 450mm x 10m: qty x 15, - Roll Brown Kraft roll: 480 x 2m: qty x 40, - Ready Sorter A-Z Kraft: qty x 6, - Desk calendar for 2024: qty x 12, - Grip bags, mini bags (pkt of 100): qty x 3. Supply and deliver: - Roll Le stat DC-Fix 70-micron 450mm x 10m: qty x 15, - Roll Brown Kraft roll: 480 x 2m: qty x 40, - Ready Sorter A-Z Kraft: qty x 6, - Desk calendar for 2024: qty x 12, - Grip bags, mini bags (pkt of 100): qty x 3. Supply and deliver: - Roll Le stat DC-Fix 70-micron 450mm x 10m: qty x 15, - Roll Brown Kraft roll: 480 x 2m: qty x 40, - Ready Sorter A-Z Kraft: qty x 6, - Desk calendar for 2024: qty x 12, - Grip bags, mini bags (pkt of 100): qty x 3. Delivery date: 2023/10/31. Delivery to: CS - City Police CSMP. Delivery address: 4th Floor, Harbour Place, Martin Hammerschlag Street, Cape Town. Источник: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of APC Smart - UPS at NHLS Kopanong Laboratory. Specification for UPS: • APC Smart-UPS 2200VA 2.2 KVA (SMT2200IC). Источник: ONLINE TENDERS